Segment Number (SegmentNo)
File: Blocks 1,2_Identification of Sample Household
Type: Discrete
Format: character
Width: 1
Valid cases: 39436
Invalid: 0
Questions and instructions
Literal question
Segment Number
Interviewer instructions
Segment number: This item is to be recorded from the heading of block 5a of Schedule 0.0.

Listing all the houses, households residing in the sample FSU (or segment 1 & 2 in case of large FSUs) is to be done in Schedule 0.0.

Formation of segment 9: This will be formed only in the sample FSUs of sub-strata 1 and 2 in the rural sector. After ascertaining the boundaries of the sample FSU, all the DCSSI-listed non-ASI DMEs (i.e. manufacturing enterprises having 6 or more workers having at least one hired worker and registered with DCSSI) will be listed in block 2 of schedule 0.0. This will constitute segment 9 of the FSU.

A large village will be divided into a certain number (D) of sub-divisions called hamlet-groups. The number of hamlet-groups to be formed (i.e. the value of D) will depend on the approximate present population of the sample FSU and/or the approximate number of non-agricultural enterprises found to exist in the sample village. Out of all hg's/sb's formed in the FSU, two hg's/ sb's may be selected for listing in the following manner - one with the maximum number of DMEs (or with maximum number of NDMEs if there is no DME or with maximum number of OAMEs if there is no DME/NDME or with maximum percentage share of population if there is no manufacturing enterprise in the entire FSU) will always be selected and termed as Segment 1; one more hg/sb may be selected randomly and termed as Segment 2.

Listing and selection of households/enterprises will be done independently in segments 9, 1 & 2. FSUs without hg/sb formation will not have segment 2.