India - Employment and Unemployment: NSS 61st Round, Schedule 10, July 2004 - June 2005
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-61-12-2011 |
Year | 2004 - 2005 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Jul 02, 2015
Last modified
Oct 23, 2015
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Vocational training
File: Block_4_level_03
File: Block_4_level_03
Discrete Format: character Width: 1 | Valid cases: 161124 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
For persons of age 15 to 29 years
Whether receiving/
vocational training (code) ?
vocational training (code) ?
Value | Category | Cases | |
0 | NA / NR | 0 | 0.0% |
1 | Yes: Receiving formal vocational training | 2293 | 1.4% |
2 | Yes: Received vocational training: formal | 4258 | 2.6% |
3 | Yes: Received vocational training: Non-formal: hereditary | 5407 | 3.4% |
4 | Yes: Received vocational training: Others | 5705 | 3.5% |
5 | Did not receive any vocational training | 143461 | 89.0% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Information on whether the household member is receiving or has received any vocational training will be collected in this column in codes given below:
receiving formal vocational training……… 1
received vocational training:
formal……………………….. 2
non-formal: hereditary ……… 3
non-formal: others …………… 4
did not receive any vocational training ……… 5
Only those who are currently receiving 'formal vocational training' will be given code 1 and if the vocational training, which is formal, is received, i.e., if the training course is successfully completed, then code will be 2. Code 3 will be applicable for those who have received 'hereditary' non-formal vocational trainings and code 4 for those who have received 'other' non-formal vocational trainings. Persons who have failed in formal vocational training after completion of the full duration of the course will be given code 4 provided they have acquired competency through this training to employ themselves as wage salary employee or self-employed.
Columns (13) to (15) will be filled in for those who are receiving/received formal vocational training, i.e., for code 1 or 2 in column (12)
receiving formal vocational training……… 1
received vocational training:
formal……………………….. 2
non-formal: hereditary ……… 3
non-formal: others …………… 4
did not receive any vocational training ……… 5
Only those who are currently receiving 'formal vocational training' will be given code 1 and if the vocational training, which is formal, is received, i.e., if the training course is successfully completed, then code will be 2. Code 3 will be applicable for those who have received 'hereditary' non-formal vocational trainings and code 4 for those who have received 'other' non-formal vocational trainings. Persons who have failed in formal vocational training after completion of the full duration of the course will be given code 4 provided they have acquired competency through this training to employ themselves as wage salary employee or self-employed.
Columns (13) to (15) will be filled in for those who are receiving/received formal vocational training, i.e., for code 1 or 2 in column (12)