India - Household Social Consumption: Education, NSS 75th Round Schedule-25.2 :July 2017-June 2018
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-75Rnd-Sch25.2-July2017-June2018 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office,NSSO - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of India |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Govenment of India - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Nov 11, 2022
Last modified
Nov 22, 2022
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- R75252L01 -(Blocks 1
, 2 and 11)- Identif
ication of sample ho
usehold - R75252L02 (Block 3)-
household characteri
stics - R75252L03 (Block-3.1
)-Details of erstwhi
le household members
of age 3 to 35 year
s currently attendin
g education - R75252L04 (Block-4)-
Demographic and othe
r particulars of hou
sehold members - R75252L05 (Block-5)-
Dducation particular
s on basic course of
the persons of age
3 to 35 years who ar
e currently attendin
g education - R75252L06 (Block 6)-
Particulars of expen
diture (Rs.) for per
sons of age 3 to 35
years who are curren
tly attending at pre
-primary and above l
evel - R75252L07 (Block 7)-
Particulars of curre
ntly not attending p
ersons of age 3 to 3
5 years - R75252L08 (Block 8)-
particulars of forma
l vocational or tech
nical training recei
ved by household mem
bers of age 12 to 59
NIC 2008
File: R75252L02 (Block 3)-household characteristics
File: R75252L02 (Block 3)-household characteristics
Discrete Format: character Width: 5 | Valid cases: 103894 Invalid: 0 |
Value | Category |
01111 | Growing of wheat |
01112 | Growing of jowar, bajra and millets |
01113 | Growing of other cereals |
01114 | Growing of pulses (dal) and other leguminous crops such as peas and beans, not used as oilseeds |
01115 | Growing of mustard oil seed |
01116 | Growing of groundnut oil seed |
01117 | Growing of sunflower oil seed |
01118 | Growing of soya bean oil seed |
01119 | Growing of other oil seeds |
0111x | Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds |
01121 | Organic farming of basmati rice |
01122 | Organic farming of non-basmati rice |
01123 | Inorganic farming of basmati rice |
01124 | Inorganic farming of non-basmati rice |
0112x | Growing of rice |
01131 | Growing of asparagus, cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, chicory, spinach and other leafy or stem vegetables |
01132 | Growing of cucumbers, gherkins, aubergines, tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupes , melons and other fruit-bearing vegetables |
01133 | Growing of onion |
01134 | Growing of carrots, beets,turnips, garlic, leeks and other root, bulb vegetables(onion excluded) |
01135 | Growing of potatoes and other tubers such as sweet potatoes, cassava, yams |
01136 | Growing of mushrooms and truffles |
01137 | Growing of vegetable seeds (except beet seed) |
01139 | Growing of vegetables, n.e.c. |
01140 | Growing of sugar cane |
01150 | Growing of tobacco |
01161 | Growing of cotton |
01162 | Growing of jute |
01169 | Growing of other fibre crops |
01191 | Growing of rose |
01192 | Growing of gladiolus |
01193 | Growing of other flowers, including production of cut flowers, flower buds and flower seeds |
01199 | Growing of other non-perennial crops including beet seed and padding materials, n.e.c. |
01210 | Growing of grapes |
0121x | Growing of grapes |
01221 | Growing of mangoes |
01222 | Growing of bananas |
01223 | Growing of pineapples |
01224 | Growing of lichchis |
01225 | Growing of guava |
01229 | Growing of other tropical and sub tropical fruits |
01231 | Growing of oranges |
01232 | Growing of mousambi (grape fruit) |
01233 | Growing of lemons and lime |
01239 | Growing of other citrus fruits |
01241 | Growing of apples |
01242 | Growing of appricots, peaches and nectarines |
01243 | Growing of cherries and sour cherries |
01249 | Growing of other pome fruits and stone fruits |
01251 | Growing of strawberries and other berries |
01252 | Growing of edible nuts (almonds, cashew nuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts pistachios, walnuts and other nuts) |
01259 | Growing of other tree and bush fruits, n.e.c |
01261 | Growing of coconut |
01262 | Growing of olives and oil palms |
01269 | Growing of other oleaginous fruits |
01271 | Growing of tea |
01272 | Growing of coffee |
01273 | Growing of cocoa |
01279 | Growing of other beverage crops |
01281 | Growing of ginger |
01282 | Growing of chili |
01283 | Growing of cardamoms |
01284 | Growing of perennial and non-perennial spices and aromatic crops |
01285 | Growing of drug and narcotic crops |
01286 | Growing of plants used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes |
01287 | Growing of heena leaves (mehendi) |
01291 | Growing of rubber trees |
01292 | Growing of trees for extraction of sap |
01293 | Growing of bamboo and cane |
01299 | Growing of other perennial crops, n.e.c. |
01301 | Growing of plants for planting |
01302 | Operation of tree nurseries (except forest tree nurseries) |
01309 | Growing of plants, n.e.c. |
01411 | Raising and breeding of cattle and buffaloes |
01412 | Production of milk from cows or buffaloes |
01413 | Production of bovine semen |
01420 | Raising of horses and other equines |
01430 | Raising and breeding of camels and camelids |
01441 | Raising and breeding of sheep and goats |
01442 | Production of milk from sheep or goat |
01443 | Production of raw wool |
01450 | Raising of swine/pigs (including breeding of swine/pigs) |
01461 | Raising and breeding of chickens and capons, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls chickens and capons, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls |
01462 | Production of eggs |
01463 | Operation of poultry hatcheries |
01491 | Raising and breeding of pet animals (cats, dogs, birds, hamsters etc.) |
01492 | Bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax |
01493 | Raising of silk worms, production of silk worm cocoons |
01499 | Raising of other animals, n.e.c. |
01500 | Mixed farming |
01611 | Agricultural activities on a fee or contract basis |
01612 | Operation of agricultural irrigation equipment |
01619 | Other supporting activities including agricultural gardening (excluding parks and gardening activities), n.e.c. |
01620 | Support activities for animal production |
01631 | Preparation of crops for primary markets, i.e. cleaning, trimming, grading, disinfecting |
01632 | Cotton ginning, cleaning and bailing |
01633 | Preparation of tobacco leaves |
01639 | Other post harvest crop activities, n.e.c. |
01640 | Seed processing for propagation |
01700 | Hunting, trapping and related service activities |
01xxx | Crop and animal production, hunting and |
02101 | Growing of standing timber (planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts) |
02102 | Operation of forest tree nurseries |
02109 | Other forestry activities including growing of pulpwood, firewood etc |
02201 | Gathering and preparation of fire wood |
02202 | Logging camps and loggers primarily engaged in felling timber and producing wood in the rough such as pitprops, split poles, pickets, hewn railway ties |
02203 | Production of charcoal in the forest (using traditional methods) |
02209 | Other logging activities, n.e.c. |
02301 | Gathering of tendu leaves |
02302 | Gathering of lac, resins and rubber-like gums |
02303 | Gathering of wild growing mushrooms, truffles, berries, nuts, cork, balsams, vegetable hair, eelgrass, mosses, lichens |
02309 | Gathering of non-wood forest products, n.e.c. |
02401 | Forestry service activities (forest management consulting services, forestry inventories, timber evaluation, forest pest control) |
02402 | Logging service activities such as transport of logs within the forest |
024xx | Support services to forestry |
03111 | Fishing on a commercial basis including taking of marine crustaceans and molluscs in ocean and coastal waters |
03112 | Gathering of other marine organisms and materials such as natural pearls, sponges, coral and algae |
03113 | Activities of vessels engaged in fishing and in processing and preserving of fish |
03121 | Fishing and taking of freshwater crustaceans and molluscs on a commercial basis in inland waters |
03122 | Taking and gathering of freshwater aquatic animals |
03211 | Fish farming in sea water including farming of marine ornamental fish |
03212 | Culture of crustaceans, bivalves, other mollusks and other aquatic animals in sea water |
03213 | Growing of edible seaweeds |
03214 | Aquaculture activities in brackish waters and in salt water filled tanks or reservoirs |
03215 | Operation of fish hatcheries (marine) |
03219 | Other marine aquaculture, n.e.c. |
03221 | Fish farming in freshwater including farming of freshwater ornamental fish |
03222 | Culture of freshwater crustaceans, bivalves, other mollusks and other aquatic animals |
03223 | Operation of fish hatcheries (fresh-water) |
03229 | Other freshwater aquaculture activities, n.e.c. |
05101 | Opencast mining of hard coal |
05102 | Belowground mining of hard coal |
05103 | Cleaning, sizing, grading, pulverizing, compressing etc. of coal |
05109 | Other operations relating to mining and agglomeration of hard coal |
05201 | Opencast mining of lignite (brown coal) |
05202 | Belowground mining of lignite (brown coal) |
05203 | Washing, dehydrating, pulverizing, compressing of lignite |
05209 | Other operations relating to mining and agglomeration of lignite |
06101 | Off shore extraction of crude petroleum |
06102 | On shore extraction of crude petroleum |
06201 | Offshore Extraction of natural gas |
06202 | On shore Extraction of natural gas |
07100 | Mining of iron ores |
07210 | Mining of uranium and thorium ores |
07291 | Mining of copper ore |
07292 | Mining of aluminium ore (bauxite) |
07293 | Mining of manganese ore |
07294 | Mining of chromium ore |
07295 | Mining of precious metal ore (gold, silver) |
07296 | Mining of lead and znic ore |
07299 | Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores, n.e.c. |
08101 | Quarrying of marble |
08102 | Quarrying of granite |
08103 | Quarrying of slate and building and monumental stone other than marble and granite |
08104 | Mining of dolomite |
08105 | Mining of gypsum including selenite |
08106 | Operation of sand or gravel pits, basalt / porphyry, clay (ordinary), crushing and breaking of stone for use as a flux,etc |
08107 | Mining/quarrying of limestone, limeshell, ‘kankar’ and other calcareous minerals including calcite, chalk and shale |
08108 | Mining of clays (kaolin, ball clay, wollastonite, bentonite, fuller’s earth, fire clay etc. ) |
08109 | Mining of refractory non-clay minerals (andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, dunite, diaspore magnesite, diaspore, magnesite) |
08911 | Mining of native sulphur or pyrites and pyrrhotites valued chiefly for sulphur |
08912 | Mining of natural phosphates including apatite minerals |
08913 | Mining of earth colours (ochre including red oxide). |
08914 | Mining of fluorspar |
08915 | Mining of barytes |
08919 | Mining of potash bearing salts/minerals; borate minerals and other fertiliser and chemical minerals n.e.c. |
08920 | Extraction and agglomeration of peat |
08931 | Salt mining, quarrying, screening etc. |
08932 | Salt production by evaporation of sea water or other saline waters |
08991 | Mining of gemstones (agate, diamond, emerald, garnet (gem), jasper, rubby/saphire etc. |
08992 | Mining and quarrying of abrasive materials (pumice stone, emery, corundum, garnet and other natural abrasives) |
08993 | Mining of mica |
08994 | Mining of natural graphite |
08995 | Mining of asbestos |
08996 | Mining of vermiculite, perlite and chlorites |
08997 | Mining of felspar and silica minerals including quartz, quartzite and fuch.Quartzite |
08998 | Mining of talc/ steatite |
08999 | Mining of laterite, diatomite and silicious fossil meals (e.g. diatomite); and other natural fluxes;natural asphalt or bitumen and other mining n.e.c. |
09101 | Services incidental to off shore oil extraction |
09102 | Services incidental to on shore oil extraction |
09103 | Services incidental to off shore gas extraction |
09104 | Services incidental to on shore gas extraction |
09900 | Support activities for other mining and quarrying |
10101 | Mutton-slaughtering, preparation |
10102 | Beef-slaughtering, preparation |
10103 | Pork-slaughtering, preparation |
10104 | Poultry and other slaughtering, preparation |
10105 | Preservation, Processing and canning of meat |
10106 | Production of hides and skins originating from slaughterhouses |
10107 | Rendering of lard and other edible fats of animal origin |
10108 | Production and processing of animal offal |
10109 | Production, processing and preserving of other meat and meat products n.e.c. |
10201 | Sun-drying of fish |
10202 | Artificial dehydration of fish and sea food |
10203 | Radiation preservation of fish and similar food |
10204 | Processing and preserving of fish crustacean and similar foods |
10205 | Processing and canning of fish |
10206 | Processing and canning of frog legs |
10207 | Production of fishmeal for human consumption or animal feed |
10209 | Production, processing and preservation of other fish products n.e.c |
10301 | Sun-drying of fruit and vegetables |
10302 | Artificial dehydration of fruit and vegetables |
10303 | Radiation preservation of fruit and vegetables |
10304 | Manufacture of fruit or vegetable juices and their concentrates, squashes and powder |
10305 | Manufacture of sauces, jams, jellies and marmalades |
10306 | Manufacture of pickles, chutney etc. |
10307 | Canning of fruits and vegetables |
10308 | Manufacture of potato flour & meals and prepared meals of vegetables |
10309 | Preservation of fruit and vegetables n.e.c. |
10401 | Manufacture of hydrogenated oil and vanaspati ghee |
10402 | Manufacture of vegetable oils and fats excluding corn oil |
10403 | Manufacture of edible animal oils and fats |
10404 | Manufacture of fish oil |
10405 | Manufacture of non-edible animal oil and fats |
10406 | Manufacture of oil cakes & meals incl. residual products, e.g. Oleostearin, Palmstearin |
10407 | Manufacture of non-defatted flour or meals of oilseeds, oilnuts or kernels |
10409 | Manufacture of other vegetable oil, animal oil and fats n.e.c |
10501 | Manufacture of pasteurised milk whether or not in bottles/ polythene packs etc. (plain or flavoured) |
10502 | Manufacture of milk-powder, ice-cream powder and condensed milk except baby milk food |
10503 | Manufacture of baby milk foods |
10504 | Manufacture of cream, butter, cheese, curd, ghee, khoya etc. |
10505 | Manufacture of ice-cream, kulfi etc. |
10509 | Manufacture of other dairy products n.e.c. |
10611 | Flour milling |
10612 | Rice milling |
10613 | Dal (pulses) milling |
10614 | Grain milling other than wheat, rice and dal |
10615 | Vegetable milling (production of flour or meal of dried leguminous vegetables(except dal), of roots or tubers, or of edible nuts) |
10616 | Manufacture of cereal breakfast foods obtained by roasting or swelling cereal grains |
10617 | Manufacture of flour mixes and prepared blended flour and dough for bread, cakes, biscuits |
10618 | Manufacture of other readymade mixed powders like idli, gulabjamun etc. |
10619 | Other grain milling and processing n.e.c. |
10621 | Manufacture of starches from rice, potatoes, maize etc. |
10622 | Manufacture of sago and sago products |
10623 | Manufacture of glucose, glucose syrup, maltose etc. |
10624 | Manufacture of gluten |
10625 | Manufacture of tapioca and tapioca substitutes prepared from starch |
10626 | Manufacture of corn oil |
10629 | Manufacture of other starch products n.e.c. |
10711 | Manufacture of bread |
10712 | Manufacture of biscuits, cakes, pastries, rusks etc. |
10719 | Manufacture of other bakery products n.e.c. |
10721 | Manufacture or refining of sugar (sucrose) from sugercane |
10722 | Manufacture of `gur' from sugarcane |
10723 | Manufacture of `gur' from other than sugarcane |
10724 | Manufacture of `khandsari' sugar from sugarcane |
10725 | Manufacture of `khandsari' suger from other than sugarcane |
10726 | Manufacture of `boora' and candy from sugarcane |
10727 | Manufacture of `boora' and candy from other than sugarcane |
10728 | Manufacture of molasses |
10729 | Manufacture of sugar from other sources (juice of palm, suger beet etc.) |
10731 | Manufacture of cocoa products |
10732 | Manufacture of chocolate and chocolate confectionery |
10733 | Manufacture of sugar confectionery (except sweetmeats) |
10734 | Manufacture sweetmeats including dairy based sweetmeats |
10735 | Manufacture of chewing gum |
10736 | Preserving in sugar of fruit, nuts, fruit peels and other parts of plants |
10739 | Manufacture of other cocoa, chocolate, sugar confectionery products n.e.c. |
10740 | Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products |
10750 | Manufacture of prepared meals and dishes |
10791 | Processing and blending of tea including manufacture of instant tea |
10792 | Coffee curing, roasting, grinding blending etc. and manufacturing of coffee products |
10793 | Processing of edible nuts |
10794 | Manufacture of malted foods including foods for infants and handicapped |
10795 | Grinding and processing of spices |
10796 | Manufacture of papads, appalam and similar food products |
10797 | Manufacture of vitaminised high protein flour, frying of dal and other cereals |
10798 | Processing of salt into food-grade salt, e.g. iodized salt |
10799 | Other semi-processed, processed or instant foods n.e.c. except farinaceous products and malted foods and manufacturing activities |
10801 | Manufacture of cattle feed |
10802 | Manufacture of poultry feed |
10803 | Manufacture of prepared feeds for pets, including dogs, cats, birds, fish etc. |
10809 | Manufacture of other animal feeds n.e.c. |
10xxx | 10 : Manufacture of food products |
11011 | Manufacture of distilled, potable, alcoholic beverages such as whisky, brandy, gin, "mixed drinks" etc. |
11012 | Manufacture of country liquor |
11019 | Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits |
11020 | Manufacture of wines |
11031 | Manufacture of beer |
11032 | Manufacture of malt liquors other than beer |
11033 | Manufacture of malt |
11039 | Manufacture of malt liquors and malt n.e.c. |
11041 | Manufacture of aerated drinks |
11042 | Manufacture of synthetic flavoured concentrates and syrups |
11043 | Manufacture of mineral water |
11044 | Manufacture of ice |
11045 | Manufacture of soft drinks |
11049 | Manufacture of other non-alcoholic beverages n.e.c. |
12001 | Stemming and redrying of tobacco |
12002 | Manufacture of bidi |
12003 | Manufacture of cigarettes, cigarette tobacco |
12004 | Manufacture of cigars and cheroots |
12005 | Manufacture of snuff |
12006 | Manufacture of zarda |
12007 | Manufacture of catechu(katha) and chewing lime |
12008 | Manufacture of pan masala and related products. |
12009 | Manufacture of other tobacco products including chewing tobacco n.e.c. |
13111 | Preparation and spinning of cotton fiber including blended* cotton |
13112 | Preparation and spinning of silk fiber including blended* silk |
13113 | Preparation and spinning of wool, including other animal hair and blended*wool including other animal hair |
13114 | Preparation and spinning of man-made fiber including blended* man-made fiber |
13119 | Preparation and spinning of jute, mesta and other natural fibers including blended natural fibers n.e.c. |
13121 | Weaving, manufacture of cotton and cotton mixture fabrics. |
13122 | Weaving, manufacture of silk and silk mixture fabrics. |
13123 | Weaving, manufacture of wool and wool mixture fabrics. |
13124 | Weaving, manufacturing of man-made fiber and man-made mixture fabrics. |
13129 | Weaving of jute, mesta and other natural fibers including blended natural fibers n.e.c. |
13131 | Finishing of cotton and blended cotton textiles. |
13132 | Finishing of silk and blended silk textiles. |
13133 | Finishing of wool and blended wool textiles. |
13134 | Finishing of man-made and blended man-made textiles. |
13135 | Finishing of jute, mesta and other vegetable textiles fabrics |
13136 | Activity related to screen printing |
13139 | Other activities relating to finishing of textile n.e.c. |
13911 | Manufacture of knitted and crocheted cotton fabrics |
13912 | Manufacture of knitted and crocheted woolen fabrics |
13913 | Manufacture of knitted and crocheted synthetic fabrics |
13919 | Manufacture of other knitted and crocheted fabrics |
13921 | Manufacture of curtains, bed covers and furnishings |
13922 | Manufacture of crocheted made up textile goods except apparel |
13923 | Manufacture of mosquito nets |
13924 | Manufacture of bedding, quilts pillows, sleeping bags etc. |
13925 | Manufacture of tarpaulin |
13926 | Manufacture of blankets |
13929 | Manufacture of other made-up textile articles, except apparel n.e.c. |
13931 | Manufacture of carpets and other floor coverings made of cotton |
13932 | Manufacture of carpets and other floor coverings made of wool |
13933 | Manufacture of carpets and other floor coverings made of silk |
13934 | Manufacture of carpets made of synthetic materials |
13935 | Manufacture of carpets, and other floor coverings made of jute, mesta and coir |
13939 | Manufacture of other floor coverings n.e.c. |
13941 | Manufacture of thread, including thread ball making |
13942 | Manufacture of cordage or rope made of jute |
13943 | Manufacture of cordage or rope made of coir |
13944 | Manufacture of rope and cordage made of synthetic material |
13945 | Manufacture of knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope (other than mosquito net) |
13946 | Manufacture of tapes, newar and wicks |
13949 | Manufacture of other cordage or rope n.e.c. |
13991 | Embroidery work and making of laces and fringes |
13992 | Zari work and other ornamental trimmings |
13993 | Manufacture of linoleum and similar products |
13994 | Manufacture of gas mantles |
13995 | Manufacture of made-up canvas goods such tents, sails etc. |
13996 | Manufacture of wadding of textile materials and articles of wadding such as sanitary napkins and tampons |
13997 | Manufacture of metallised yarn or gimped yarn, rubber thread or cord covered with textile material, textile yarn or strip impregnated,etc |
13998 | Manufacture of waterproof textile excluding tarpaulin |
13999 | Manufacture of other textiles/textile products n.e.c. |
13xxx | Manufacture of textiles |
14101 | Manufacture of all types of textile garments and clothing accessories |
14102 | Manufacture of rain coats of waterproof textile fabrics or plastic sheetings |
14103 | Manufacture of hats, caps and other clothing accessories such as gloves,belts, ties, cravats, hairnets etc. |
14104 | Manufacture of wearing apparel made of leather and substitutes of leather |
14105 | Custom tailoring |
14109 | Manufacture of wearing apparel n.e.c. |
1410x | Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel |
14201 | Manufacture of wearing apparel and clothing accessories made of fur |
14202 | Manufacture of fur and skin rugs and other similar articles |
14209 | Manufacture of other fur products n.e.c. |
1420x | Manufacture of articles of fur |
142xx | Manufacture of articles of fur |
14301 | Manufacture of knitted or crocheted wearing apparel and other made-up articles directly into shape |
14309 | Manufacture of other knitted and crocheted apparel including hosiery |
15111 | Flaying and curing of raw hides and skins |
15112 | Tanning and finishing of sole leather |
15113 | Tanning and finishing of industrial leather |
15114 | Scraping, currying, tanning, bleaching, shearing and plucking and dyeing of fur skins and hides with the hair on |
15115 | Finishing of upper leather, lining leather and garment leather etc. |
15116 | Embroidering and embossing of leather articles |
15119 | Other tanning, curing, finishing, embossing etc. of leather |
15121 | Manufacture of travel goods like suitcase, bags, hold alls etc. |
15122 | Manufacture of purse, ladies' handbags, artistic leather presented articles and novelties |
15123 | Manufacture of saddlery and harness |
15129 | Manufacture of other consumer goods of leather and substitutes of leather n.e.c. |
15201 | Manufacture of leather footwear such as shoes, sandals, chappals, leather-cum-rubber/plastic cloth sandles and chappals |
15202 | Manufacture of footwear made primarily of vulcanized or moulded rubber and plastic. |
15209 | Manufacture of other footwear n.e.c. |
16101 | Sawing and planing of wood |
16102 | Manufacture of unassembled wooden flooring including parquet flooring |
16103 | Manufacture of wooden railway sleepers |
16109 | Activities related to saw milling and planing of wood n.e.c. |
16211 | Manufacture of ply wood and veneer sheets |
16212 | Manufacture of particle board and fibreboard including densified wood |
16213 | Manufacture of flush doors and other boards or panels |
16219 | Manufacture of other plywood products n.e.c. |
16221 | Manufacture of structural wooden goods |
16222 | Manufacture of prefabricated buildings, or elements thereof, predominantly of wood |
16229 | Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery |
16231 | Manufacture of wooden boxes, barrels, vats, tubs, packing cases etc. |
16232 | Manufacture of plywood chests |
16233 | Manufacture of market basketry, grain storage bins and similar products made of bamboo or reed |
16239 | Manufacture of other wooden containers and products entirely or mainly of cane, rattan,bamboo, willow, fibre, leaves and grass n.e.c. |
16291 | Manufacture of wooden industrial goods |
16292 | Manufacture of cork and cork products |
16293 | Manufacture of wooden agricultural implements |
16294 | Manufacture of various articles made of bamboo, cane and grass |
16295 | Manufacture of broomsticks |
16296 | Manufacture of articles made of palm leaf, dhak leaf, screw-pine leaf and khajoor leaf;articles of vegetables fibre etc,. |
16297 | Manufacture of products of pith and shalapith |
16299 | Manufacture of other wood products n.e.c. |
17011 | Manufacture of pulp |
17012 | Manufacture of news print |
17013 | Manufacture of paper and paper rolls not further processed |
17014 | Manufacture of packing paper |
17015 | Manufacture of other special purpose paper (excluding computer stationary) |
17016 | Manufacture of paper board, straw board |
17017 | Manufacture of hard board including false board and chip board |
17019 | Manufacture of other primary paper materials including composite paper and paper board n.e.c. |
17021 | Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard |
17022 | Manufacture of corrugated paper board containers |
17023 | Manufacture of card board boxes |
17024 | Manufacture of sacks and bags of paper |
17029 | Manufacture of other containers of paper and paperboard n.e.c. |
17091 | Manufacture of computer paper |
17092 | Manufacture of paper cups, saucers, plates, hoops, cones and other similar products |
17093 | Manufacture of printing, writing and photocopying paper ready for use |
17094 | Manufacture of paper pulp articles other than containers (such as egg trays) |
17095 | Manufacture of file cover/file boards, and similar articles. |
17096 | Manufacture of wall paper |
17097 | Manufacture of carbon paper & stationary items |
17099 | Manufacture of other paper products n.e.c. |
18111 | Printing of newspapers |
18112 | Printing of magazines and other periodicals, books and brochures, maps, atlases, posters etc. |
18113 | Printing of postage stamps, taxation stamps, cheques and other security papers |
18114 | Printing of bank notes, currency notes |
18115 | Printing directly onto textiles, flexographic plastic, glass, metal, wood and ceramics |
18119 | Other printing activities like screen printing other than textile n.e.c. |
18121 | Book and other similar sheet binding on account of others |
18122 | Engraving, etching and block making etc. |
18129 | Other service activities related to printing n.e.c. |
18200 | Reproduction of recorded media |
19101 | Production of coke and semi-coke products |
19109 | Manufacture of other coke oven products such as gas, crude coal and lignite tars etc. |
191xx | Manufacture of coke oven products |
19201 | Production of liquid and gaseous fuels, illuminating oils, lubricating oils or greases or other products from crude petroleum or bituminous minerals |
19202 | Manufacture of paraffin wax |
19203 | Bottling of LPG/CNG |
19204 | Manufacture of hard-coal and lignite fuel briquettes |
19209 | Manufacture of other petroleum n.e.c. |
192xx | Manufacture of refined petroleum products |
19xxx | Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products |
20111 | Manufacture of liquefied or compressed inorganic industrial or medical gases |
20112 | Manufacture of inorganic acids except nitric acid |
20113 | Manufacture of tanning or dying extracts; tannings and their derivatives and colouring matter (including manufacture of indigo) |
20114 | Manufacture of dyes and pigments from any source in basic form or as concentrate |
20115 | Manufacture of turpentine and resins of vegetable origin |
20116 | Manufacture of basic chemical elements |
20117 | Manufacture of distilled water |
20118 | Manufacture of synthetic aromatic products |
20119 | Manufacture of organic and inorganic chemical compounds n.e.c. |
20121 | Manufacture of urea and other organic fertilizers |
20122 | Manufacture of straight mixed, compound or complex inorganic fertilizers |
20123 | Manufacture of associated nitrogen products |
20129 | Manufacture of other fertilizers n.e.c. |
20131 | Manufacture of plastic in primary forms (includes amino-resins, polyurethanes etc.) |
20132 | Manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary forms |
20133 | Manufacture of mixture of synthetic and natural or rubber like gums |
20211 | Manufacture of insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides |
20212 | Manufacture of disinfectants (for agricultural and other use) |
20219 | Manufacture of other agrochemical products n.e.c. |
20221 | Manufacture of paints and varnishes, enamels or lacquers |
20222 | Manufacture of prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers and prepared colours, etc |
20223 | Manufacture of printing ink |
20224 | Manufacture of prepared pigments and other colouring matter of a kind used in the manufacture of paints |
20229 | Manufacture of caulking compounds and similar non-refractory filling or surfacing preparations,mastics, etc |
20231 | Manufacture of soap all forms |
20232 | Manufacture of cleaning and polishing products |
20233 | Manufacture of detergent and similar washing agents excluding soap |
20234 | Manufacture of perfumes and cologne de-eau |
20235 | Manufacture of preparations for oral or dental hygiene |
20236 | Manufacture of hair oil, shampoo, hair dye etc. |
20237 | Manufacture of cosmetics and toileteries |
20238 | Manufacture of "agarbatti" and other preparations which operate by burning |
20239 | Manufacture of other perfumes and toilet preparations n.e.c. |
20291 | Manufacture of matches |
20292 | Manufacture of explosives, ammunition and fire works |
20293 | Manufacture of essential oils; modification by chemical processes of oils and fats (e.g. by oxidation, polymerization etc.) |
20294 | Manufacture of photographic plates, films, sensitized paper and other sensitized unexposed materials, chemical preparations for photographic uses |
20295 | Manufacture of gelatin and its derivatives, resinoids, glues, prepared adhesives, including rubber-based glues and adhesives |
20296 | Manufacture of chemical elements and compounds doped for use in electronics |
20297 | Manufacture of chemical products or preparations of a kind used in the textiles, paper, leather and like industries |
20299 | Manufacture of various other chemical products n.e.c. |
20301 | Manufacture of synthetic or artificial filament tow |
20302 | Manufacture of synthetic or artificial filament staple fibre not textured |
20303 | Manufacture of synthetic or artificial filament yarn, whether or not textured including high tenacity yarn |
20304 | Manufacture of synthetic or artificial mono-filament or strip |
20313 | Manufacture of anti-sprouting products, plant growth regulators |
21001 | Manufacture of medicinal substances used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals |
21002 | Manufacture of allopathic pharmaceutical preparations |
21003 | Manufacture of `ayurvedic' or `unani' pharmaceutical preparation |
21004 | Manufacture of homoeopathic or biochemic pharmaceutical preparations |
21005 | Manufacture of veterinary preparations |
21006 | Manufacture of medical impregnated wadding, gauze, bandages, dressings, surgical gut string etc. |
21009 | Manufacture of other pharmaceutical and botanical products n.e.c. like hina powder etc. |
22111 | Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes for motor vehicles, motorcycles, scooters, three-wheelers, tractors and aircraft |
22112 | Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes for cycles and cycle-rickshaws |
22113 | Retreading of tyres; replacing or rebuilding of tread on used pneumatic tyres |
22119 | Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes n.e.c. |
22191 | Manufacture of rubber plates, sheets, strips, rods, tubes, pipes, hoses and profile -shapes etc. |
22192 | Manufacture of rubber conveyor or transmission belts or belting |
22193 | Manufacture of rubber contraceptives |
22194 | Manufacture of rubber balloons |
22199 | Manufacture of other rubber products n.e.c. |
22201 | Manufacture of semi-finished of plastic products (plastic plates, sheets, blocks, film, foil, strip etc.) |
22202 | Manufacture of tableware, kitchenware and other household articles and toilet articles of plastic, etc |
22203 | Manufacture of plastic articles for the packing of goods (plastic bags, sacks, containers, boxes, cases, carboys, bottles etc.) |
22204 | Manufacture of bathing tubs, wash-basins, lavatory pans and covers, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary-ware of plastics |
22205 | Manufacture of travel goods of plastics (suitcase, vanity bags, holdalls and similar articles) |
22206 | Manufacture of spectacle frames of plastic |
22207 | Manufacture of moulded industrial accessories of plastics [including electrical insulating fittings of plastics] |
22208 | Manufacture of polymer/ synthetic / PVC water storage tanks |
22209 | Manufacture of other plastics products n.e.c. |
23101 | Manufacture of glass in primary or semi-manufactured forms |
23102 | Manufacture of glass fibre (including glass-wool) |
23103 | Manufacture of hollow glassware (bottles, jars etc.) for the conveyance or packing of goods |
23104 | Manufacture of laboratory or pharmaceutical glassware |
23105 | Manufacture of table or kitchen glassware |
23106 | Manufacture of glass bangles |
23107 | Manufacture of glass decoration pieces and glassware used in imitation jewellery |
23109 | Manufacture of other glassware/glass products |
23911 | Manufacture of refractory mortars, concretes etc. |
23912 | Manufacture of refractory bricks, blocks tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods |
23913 | Manufacture of refractory ceramic products |
23919 | Manufacture of other refractory articles n.e.c. |
23921 | Manufacture of bricks |
23922 | Manufacture of non-refractory ceramic sanitary wares: sinks, baths, water-closet pans, flushing cistern etc. |
23923 | Manufacture of non-refractory ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings |
23929 | Manufacture of other clay building materials |
23931 | Manufacture of articles of porcelain or china, earthenware, imitation porcelain or common pottery, including earthen statues |
23932 | Manufacture of ceramic tableware and other domestic or toilet articles |
23933 | Manufacture of statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles |
23934 | Manufacture of electrical insulators and insulating fittings of ceramics |
23935 | Manufacture of ceramic laboratory, chemical and industrial products |
23939 | Manufacture of ceramic products n.e.c. |
23941 | Manufacture of clinkers and cement |
23942 | Manufacture of portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement and similar hydraulic cement |
23943 | Manufacture of asbestos cement |
23944 | Manufacture of quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime (excluding chewing lime) |
23945 | Manufacture of plasters of calcined gypsum or calcined sulphate |
23949 | Manufacture of other cement and plaster n.e.c. |
23951 | Manufacture of plaster statues and other plaster products |
23952 | Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement or artificial stone (tiles, bricks etc.) |
23953 | Manufacture of asbestos sheets |
23954 | Manufacture of R.C.C. bricks and blocks |
23955 | Manufacture of hume pipes and other pre-fabricated structural components of cement and/or concrete for building or civil engineering |
23956 | Manufacture of insulation boards of vegetable fibre, straw or wood waste, agglomerated with cement & other mineral binders. |
23959 | Manufacture of other cement and asbestos cement products n.e.c. |
23960 | Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone |
23991 | Manufacture of worked mica and mica products |
23992 | Manufacture of gypsum boards |
23993 | Manufacture of millstones, sharpening or polishing stones and natural or artificial abrasive products, etc. |
23994 | Manufacture of graphite products other than electrical articles |
23999 | Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. |
24101 | Manufacture of pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms |
24102 | Manufacture of direct reduction of iron (sponge iron) and other spongy ferrous products |
24103 | Manufacture of steel in ingots or other primary forms, and other semi-finished products of steel |
24104 | Manufacture of ferro-alloys |
24105 | Manufacture of hot-rolled and cold-rolled products of steel |
24106 | Manufacture of tube and tube fittings of basic iron and steel |
24107 | Manufacture of railway track materials (unassembled rails) of steel |
24108 | Manufacture of wire of steel by cold drawing or stretching |
24109 | Manufacture of other basic iron and steel n.e.c |
24201 | Manufacture of Copper from ore, and other copper products and alloys |
24202 | Manufacture of Aluminium from alumina and by other methods and products of aluminium and alloys |
24203 | Manufacturing of lead, zinc and tin products and alloys |
24204 | Manufacturing of chrome, manganese and nickel products alloys |
24205 | Production and refining of precious metals (such as gold, silver platinum etc.) and alloys |
24209 | Manufacture of other non-ferrous metals n.e.c. |
24311 | Manufacture of tubes, pipes and hollow profiles and of tube or pipe fittings of cast-iron/cast-steel |
24319 | Manufacture of other iron and steel casting and products thereof |
24320 | Casting of non-ferrous metals |
25111 | Manufacture of doors, windows and their frames, shutters and rolling shutters, gates and similar articles used on buildings |
25112 | Manufacture of metal frameworks or skeletons for construction and parts thereof ((towers, masts, trusses, bridges etc.) |
25113 | Manufacture of industrial frameworks in metal (frameworks for blast furnaces, lifting and handling equipment etc.) |
25119 | Manufacture of other structural metal products |
25121 | Manufacture of metal containers for compressed or liquefied gas |
25122 | Manufacture of metal reservoirs, tanks and similar containers |
25123 | Manufacture of central heating boilers and radiators and parts and accessories thereof |
25129 | Manufacture of other containers n.e.c. |
25131 | Manufacture of steam or other vapour generating boilers and hot water boilers other than central heating boilers |
25132 | Manufacture of nuclear reactors, except isotope separators |
25133 | Manufacture of auxiliary plant for use with steam generators (condensers, economizers, superheaters, steam collectors and accumulators) |
25139 | Manufacture of other steam generators (except central heating hot water boilers), n.e.c. |
25200 | Manufacture of weapons and ammunition |
25910 | Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; powder metallurgy |
25920 | Machining; treatment and coating of metals |
25931 | Manufacture of cutlery such as knives, forks, spoons, cleavers, choppers, razors, razor blades,scissors, hair clippers etc. |
25932 | Manufacture of hand tools (non-power-driven) for agricultural/horticulture/forestry |
25933 | Manufacture of hand tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, press tools, blacksmiths' tools, drills,punches, milling cutters etc. |
25934 | Manufacture of padlocks, locks, keys, hinges and the like, hardware for buildings, furniture, vehicles etc. |
25939 | Manufacture of general hardware (saws and saw-blades, including circular saw-blades and chainsaw blades, moulding boxes, vices, clamps etc.) |
25991 | Manufacture of metal fasteners |
25992 | Manufacture of containers such as tins and cans for food products and boxes |
25993 | Manufacture of metal cable and other articles made of wire (except for electric transmission) |
25994 | Manufacture of metal household articles |
25995 | Manufacture of metal sanitary ware such as baths, sinks, washbasins and similar articles |
25996 | Manufacture of reinforced safes, vaults, strong room doors, gates and metal goods for office use (other than office furniture) and other purposes |
25999 | Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. |
26101 | Manufacture of electronic capacitors, resistors, chokes, coils, transformers (electronic) and similar components |
26102 | Manufacture of electron tubes, diodes, transistors and related discrete devices |
26103 | Manufacture of integrated circuits (analog, digital or hybrid) |
26104 | Manufacture of bare printed circuit boards, loading of components onto printed circuit boards; manufacture of interface cards |
26105 | Manufacture of display components (plasma, polymer, LCD, LED) |
26106 | Manufacture of printer cables, monitor cables, USB cables, connectors etc. |
26107 | Manufacture of microprocessors |
26109 | Manufacture of other electronic components n.e.c |
26201 | Manufacture of desktop computers, laptop computers, hand-held computers (e.g. PDA),mainframe computers and computer servers |
26202 | Manufacture of magnetic and optical storage devices such as magnetic disk drives, flash drives, CD, DVD and other storage devices |
26203 | Manufacture of monitors, keyboards, all types of mice, joysticks, and trackball accessories, dedicated computer terminals etc. |
26204 | Manufacture of printers, scanners, including bar code scanners, smart card readers, virtual reality helmets, computer projectors (video beamers) |
26205 | Manufacture of computer terminals, like automatic teller machines (ATM's), point-of-sale (POS) terminals not mechanically operated |
26209 | Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment n.e.c. |
26301 | Manufacture of radio and television studio and broadcasting equipment, including television cameras |
26302 | Manufacture of telephone and facsimile equipment, including telephone answering machines, PBX |
26303 | Manufacture of data communications equipment, such as bridges, routers, and gateways |
26304 | Manufacture of cable television equipment, transmitting and receiving antenna including dish, VSAT |
26305 | Manufacture of pagers, cellular phones and other mobile communication equipment |
26309 | Manufacture of other communication equipments n.e.c. |
26401 | Manufacture of televisions, television monitors and displays |
26402 | Manufacture video cassette recorders and duplicating equipment |
26403 | Manufacture of audio recording and duplicating systems |
26404 | Manufacture of radio receivers |
26405 | Manufacture of stereo equipment, speaker systems,etc. |
26406 | Manufacture of CD and DVD players |
26409 | Manufacture of other electronic consumer goods n.e.c. (this includes non-television video camera) |
26511 | Manufacture of physical properties testing and inspection equipment |
26512 | Manufacture of automotive emissions testing equipment |
26513 | Manufacture of consumption meters for electricity, water or gas, flow meters and counting meters |
26514 | Manufacture of meteorological instruments |
26515 | Manufacture of radar equipment, GPS devices, search, detection, navigation, aeronautical and nautical equipment |
26516 | Manufacture of laboratory analytical instruments and miscellaneous laboratory apparatus |
26517 | Manufacture of industrial process control equipment |
26519 | Manufacture of other measuring n.e.c. |
26521 | Manufacture of watches and clocks, including instrument panel clocks (except time-recording equipment) |
26522 | Manufacture of components for clocks and watches |
26523 | Manufacture of time-recording equipments such as time-clock, parking meters etc. |
26529 | Manufacture of other watches and clocks n.e.c. |
26600 | Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment |
26700 | Manufacture of optical instruments and equipment |
26800 | Manufacture of magnetic and optical media |
27101 | Manufacture of power generators |
27102 | Manufacture of electric power distribution transformers,etc. |
27103 | Manufacture of electric motors (except internal combustion engine starting motors) |
27104 | Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus |
27201 | Manufacture of primary cells and primary batteries and rechargeable batteries,etc. |
27202 | Manufacture of electric accumulator including parts thereof (separators, containers, covers) |
27310 | Manufacture of fibre optic cables for data transmission or live transmission of images |
27320 | Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables |
27331 | Manufacture of switch, switch box, lamp holders, lugs etc. |
27339 | Manufacture of other wiring devices and fittings n.e.c. |
27400 | Manufacture of electric lighting equipment |
27501 | Manufacture of domestic electric appliances |
27502 | Manufacture of domestic electrothermic appliances |
27503 | Manufacture of electric fans (except exhaust fans) |
27504 | Manufacture of domestic non-electric cooking and heating equipments |
27509 | Manufacture of other domestic appliances n.e.c. |
27900 | Manufacture of other electrical equipment |
28110 | Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines |
28120 | Manufacture of fluid power equipment |
28131 | Manufacture of hand pumps |
28132 | Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valves etc. |
28140 | Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements |
28150 | Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners |
28161 | Manufacture of lifts, escalators and moving walkways |
28162 | Manufacture of other lifting and handling equipment and parts thereof |
28170 | Manufacture of office machinery and equipment |
28180 | Manufacture of power-driven hand tools |
28191 | Manufacture of refrigerating or freezing equipment f industrial use, including assemblies of major components |
28192 | Manufacture of air-conditioning machines, including motor vehicles air-conditioners |
28193 | Manufacture of fire extinguishers and other equipment for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders |
28194 | Manufacture of weighing machinery (other than sensitive laboratory balances) |
28195 | Manufacture of filtering and purifying machinery or apparatus for liquids and gases |
28199 | Manufacture of other general purpose machinery n.e.c. |
28211 | Manufacture of tractors used in agriculture and forestry |
28212 | Manufacture of ploughs, manure spreaders, seeders, harrows and similar agricultural machinery for soil preparation |
28213 | Manufacture of spraying machinery for agricultural use |
28219 | Manufacture of other agricultural and forestry machinery n.e.c. |
28221 | Manufacture of machine tools for turning, drilling, milling, shaping, planning, boring, grinding etc. |
28222 | Manufacture of electroplating machinery |
28223 | Manufacture of parts and accessories for the machine tools listed above |
28229 | Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools n.e.c |
28230 | Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy |
28241 | Manufacture of continuous-action elevators and conveyors for underground use |
28242 | Manufacture of boring, cutting, sinking and tunnelling machinery (whether or not for underground use) |
28243 | Manufacture of earth-moving machinery |
28244 | Manufacture of tracklaying tractors and tractors used in construction or mining |
28245 | Manufacture of concrete and mortar mixers, piledrivers and pile-extractors, mortar spreaders,bitumen spreaders, concrete surfacing machinery |
28246 | Manufacture of parts and accessories for machinery/equipment used by construction and mining industries |
28249 | Manufacture of other machinery for mining, quarrying and construction n.e.c. |
28251 | Manufacture of machinery for the dairy industry |
28252 | Manufacture of machinery for the grain milling industry |
28253 | Manufacture of presses, crushers etc. used to make wine, cider, fruit juices etc. |
28254 | Manufacture of machinery for the bakery industry or for making macaroni, noodles, pasta etc. |
28255 | Manufacture of machinery for the extraction or preparation of animal or vegetable fats or oils |
28256 | Manufacture of machinery for the preparation of tobacco and for the making of cigarettes or cigars, or for pipe or chewing tobacco or snuff |
28259 | Manufacture of other machinery for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink n.e.c. (including tea or coffee making machines) |
28261 | Manufacture of machinery for preparation of textile fibers, spinning machines, machines for preparing textile yarns |
28262 | Manufacture of textile printing machinery |
28263 | Manufacture of machinery for washing, bleaching, dyeing, dressing, finishing coating or impregnating textile fabrics, |
28264 | Manufacture of ironing machines, commercial washing and drying machines, dry-cleaning machines and other laundry machinery |
28265 | Manufacture of sewing machines, sewing machine heads and sewing machine needles (whether or not for household use) |
28266 | Manufacture of machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather, machinery for making or repairing footwear |
28269 | Manufacture of other machinery for textiles, apparel and leather production n.e.c. |
28291 | Manufacture of machinery for making paper pulp, paper, paperboard and articles of paper board |
28292 | Manufacture of machinery for working soft rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products of these materials |
28293 | Manufacture of printing and bookbinding machines and machines for activities supporting printing on a variety of materials (other than textiles) |
28299 | Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c. |
29101 | Manufacture of passenger cars |
29102 | Manufacture of commercial vehicles such as vans, lorries, over-the-road tractors for semi-trailers etc. |
29103 | Manufacture of chassis fitted with engines for the motor vehicles included in this class |
29104 | Manufacture of motor vehicle engines |
29109 | Manufacture of motor vehicles n.e.c. |
29201 | Manufacture of bodies, including cabs for motor vehicles |
29202 | Manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers for transport of goods or passengers |
29209 | Manufacture of other attachments to motor vehicles n.e.c. |
29301 | Manufacture of diverse parts and accessories for motor vehicles |
29302 | Manufacture of parts and accessories of bodies for motor vehicles such as safety belts, airbags,doors, bumpers |
29303 | Manufacture of car seats |
29304 | Manufacture of motor vehicle electrical equipment, |
30111 | Building of commercial vessels: passenger vessels, ferry-boats, cargo ships, tankers, tugs, hovercraft (except recreation-type hovercraft) etc. |
30112 | Building of warships and scientific investigation ships etc. |
30113 | Building of fishing boats and fish-processing factory vessels |
30114 | Construction of floating or submersible drilling platforms |
30115 | Construction of floating structures |
30120 | Building of pleasure and sporting boats |
30201 | Manufacture of electric, diesel, steam and other rail locomotives |
30202 | Manufacture of self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks, maintenance or service vehicles |
30203 | Manufacture of railway or tramway rolling stock, not self-propelled |
30204 | Manufacture of specialized parts of railway or tramway locomotives or of rolling stock |
30205 | Manufacture of mechanical and electro-mechanical signalling safety and traffic control equipment for railways |
30206 | Manufacture of mining locomotives and mining rail cars |
30301 | Manufacture of airplanes |
30302 | Manufacture of helicopters |
30303 | Manufacture of gliders, hang-gliders, dirigibles and hot air balloons and other non-powered aircraft |
30304 | Manufacture of spacecraft and launch vehicles, satellites, planetary probes,orbital stations, etc. |
30305 | Manufacture of parts and accessories of the aircraft and spacecraft of this class |
30313 | Manufacture of parts and accessories of three wheelers and motorcycles including side cars |
30400 | Manufacture of weapons and ammunition |
30911 | Manufacture of motorcycles, scooters, mopeds etc. and their engine |
30912 | Manufacture of three-wheelers and their engine |
30913 | Manufacture of parts and accessories of three wheelers and motorcycles |
30921 | Manufacture of non-motorized bicycles and other cycles |
30922 | Manufacture of invalid carriages with or without motor |
30923 | Manufacture of parts and accessories for bicycles, cycle -rickshaws and invalid carriages |
30991 | Manufacture of vehicles drawn by animals |
30999 | Manufacture of other transport equipments n.e.c. such as pushcarts, handcarts etc |
31001 | Manufacture of furniture made of wood |
31002 | Manufacture of furniture made of cane & reed |
31003 | Manufacture of furniture primarily of metal |
31004 | Manufacture of furniture primarily of plastic |
31005 | Manufacture of mattresses and pillows |
31009 | Manufacture of other furniture n.e.c. |
32111 | Manufacture of jewellery |
32112 | Working of diamonds and other precious and semi-precious stones |
32113 | Production of worked pearls |
32114 | Manufacture of coins, including coins for use as legal tender, whether or not of precious metal |
32119 | Manufacture of other articles of gold, silver and other precious and semi precious metal and stone |
32120 | Manufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles |
32201 | Manufacture of stringed instruments (non-electronic) |
32202 | Manufacture of wind instruments, accordions, harmonium and similar instruments and mouth organs |
32203 | Manufacture of percussion musical instruments |
32204 | Manufacture of musical instruments, the sound of which is produced electronically |
32209 | Manufacture of other musical instruments n.e.c. |
32300 | Manufacture of sports goods |
32401 | Manufacture of dolls and toy animals |
32402 | Manufacture of wheeled toys designed to be ridden, including plastic bicycles and tricycles |
32403 | Manufacture of pin-tables, coin-operated games, billiards, special tables for casino games, etc. |
32404 | Manufacture of playing cards |
32405 | Manufacture of electronic games |
32409 | Manufacture of other games and toys n.e.c. |
32501 | Manufacture of dental fillings and cements |
32502 | Manufacture of laboratory apparatus |
32503 | Manufacture of medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture such as operating tables,examination tables, dentists' chairs etc. |
32504 | Manufacture of bone plates and screws, syringes, needles, catheters, cannulae, etc. |
32505 | Manufacture of measuring instruments such as thermometers etc. |
32506 | Manufacture of orthopedic and prosthetic devices |
32507 | Manufacture of ophthalmic goods, eyeglasses, sunglasses, lenses ground to prescription, contact lenses, safety goggles etc. |
32509 | Manufacture of other medical and dental instruments n.e.c. |
32901 | Manufacture of stationary articles |
32902 | Manufacture of protective safety equipment |
32903 | Manufacture of umbrellas, sun-umbrellas, walking sticks, seat-stick |
32904 | Manufacture of articles of personal use |
32909 | Manufacture of other articles n.e.c. |
33111 | Repair and maintenance of structural products |
33112 | Repair and maintenance of pipes and pipelines |
33113 | Repair and maintenance of metal tanks, reservoirs, containers, steel shipping drums etc. |
33114 | Repair and maintenance of steam or other vapour generators and auxiliary plant |
33119 | Repair and maintenance of other fabricated metal products |
33121 | Repair and maintenance of engines and turbines excluding aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines |
33122 | Repair and maintenance of pumps and related equipment, fluid power equipment, valves |
33123 | Repair and maintenance of metal cutting and metal forming machine tools and accessories, power-driven hand-tools and other machine tools |
33124 | Repair and maintenance of agricultural machinery and forestry and logging machinery including agricultural tractors |
33125 | Repair and maintenance of mining, construction, and oil and gas field machinery; metallurgy machinery |
33126 | Repair and maintenance of food, beverage, and tobacco processing machinery |
33127 | Repair and maintenance of textile apparel, leather production machinery and papermaking machinery |
33129 | Repair and maintenance of other special purpose machinery of division 28 |
33131 | Repair and maintenance of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment of group 265 |
33132 | Repair and maintenance of irradiation, electromedical and electro theraputic equipmemts of class 2660 |
33133 | Repair and maintenance of optical instruments and equipment of class 2670 |
33140 | Repair of electrical equipment |
33150 | Repair of transport equipment, except motor vehicles |
33190 | Repair of other equipment |
33200 | Installation of industrial machinery and equipment |
35101 | Electric power generation by hydroelectric power plants |
35102 | Electric power generation by coal based thermal power plants |
35103 | Electric power generation by non-coal based thermal (e.g. diesel, gas ) |
35104 | Electric power generation and transmission by nuclear power plants |
35105 | Electric power generation using solar energy |
35106 | Electric power generation using other non conventional sources |
35107 | Transmission of electric energy |
35109 | Collection and distribution of electric energy to households, industrial, commercial and other users n.e.c. |
3510x | Electric power generation, transmission and distribution |
35201 | Manufacture of gas |
35202 | Distribution and sale of gaseous fuels through mains |
352xx | Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains |
35301 | Production, collection and distribution of steam and hot water for heating, power and other purposes |
35302 | Production and distribution of cooled air and chilled water for cooling purposes |
35303 | Production of ice, including ice for food and non-food (e.g. cooling) purposes |
36000 | Water collection, treatment and supply |
37001 | The operation and maintenance of sewer systems |
37002 | Collecting and transporting of human or industrial waste water or rain water by means of sewerage networks |
37003 | Treatment of waste water or sewer by means of physical, chemical or biological processes |
38110 | Collection of non-hazardous waste |
38120 | Collection of hazardous waste |
38210 | Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste |
38221 | Treatment and disposal of toxic live or dead animals and other, contaminated waste, disposal of used goods; incineration of hazardous waste |
38222 | Treatment, disposal and storage of radioactive nuclear waste |
38300 | Materials recovery |
39000 | Remediation activities and other waste management services |
41001 | Construction of buildings carried out on own-account basis or on a fee or contract basis |
41002 | Activities relating to alteration, addition, repair, maintenance carried out on own-account basis or on a fee or contract basis |
41003 | Assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions on the site |
4100x | Construction of buildings |
41xxx | Construction of buildings |
42101 | Construction and maintenance of motorways, streets, roads, other vehicular and pedestrian ways, highways, bridges, tunnels and subways |
42102 | Construction and maintenance of railways and rail-bridges |
42103 | Construction and maintenance of airfield runways |
42201 | Construction and maintenance of power plants |
42202 | Construction/erection and maintenance of power, telecommunication and transmission lines |
42203 | Construction of long distance pipelines or urban pipelines |
42204 | Construction and maintenance of water main and line connection, water reservoirs including irrigation system (canal) |
42205 | Construction and repair of sewer systems including sewage disposal plants and pumping stations |
42206 | Water well drilling |
42209 | Construction of utility projects n.e.c. |
422xx | Construction of utility projects |
42901 | Construction and maintenance of industrial facilities such as refineries chemical plants etc. |
42902 | Construction of waterways, harbours and river works, dredging of waterways |
42903 | Construction of dams etc. |
42904 | Construction of outdoor sports facilities |
42909 | Other civil engineering projects n.e.c. |
42xxx | Civil engineering |
43110 | Demolition |
43121 | Site preparation for mining including overburden removal and other development |
43122 | Site preparation including drilling, boring and core sampling for construction, geophysical, geological or similar purposes |
43123 | Clearing of building sites, earth moving: |
43129 | Other site preparation activities n.e.c. |
43211 | Installation of electrical wiring and fittings |
43212 | Installation of telecommunications wiring, computer network and cable television wiring, including fibre optic, satellite dishes |
43213 | Installation of street lighting and electrical signals |
43214 | Installation of fire alarm system and burglar alarm system |
43219 | Other electrical installation n.e.c. |
43221 | Installation of plumbing for water, gas and sanitation equipments |
43222 | Installation of heating systems (electric, gas and oil), furnaces, cooling towers, non-electric solar energy collectors etc. |
43229 | Other plumbing, heat and air conditioning activities n.e.c. |
43291 | Installation of elevators, escalators |
43292 | Installation of thermal, sound or vibration insulation system in buildings |
43299 | Other construction projects n.e.c. |
43301 | Installation of doors, windows, door and window frames, fitted kitchens, of wood or other materials |
43302 | Interior completion such as ceilings, wooden wall coverings, movable partitions etc. ; |
43303 | Interior and exterior painting, glazing, plastering and decorating of buildings or civil engineering structures |
43309 | Other building completion and finishing |
433xx | Building completion and finishing |
43900 | Other specialized construction activities |
43xxx | Specialized construction activities |
45101 | Wholesale and retail sale of new vehicles |
45102 | Wholesale and retail sale of used motor vehicles |
45200 | Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles |
45300 | Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories |
45401 | Wholesale or retail sale of new motorcycles, mopeds, scooters and three wheelers |
45402 | Wholesale or retail sale of parts and accessories of motorcycles, mopeds, scooters and three wheelers |
45403 | Maintenance and repair of motor cycles, mopeds, scooters and three wheelers |
46101 | Activities of commission agents, brokers dealing in wholesale trade of agricultural raw material |
46102 | Activities of commission agents dealing in wholesale trade |
46103 | Activities of commission agents dealing in wholesale trade in machinery & equipment, other than transport machinery |
46109 | Activities of other commission agents n.e.c. (including commission agents working in emerging areas for wholesale trade |
4610x | Wholesale on a fee or contract basis |
46201 | Wholesale of cereals & pulses |
46202 | Wholesale of un-manufactured tobacco, paan (betel leaf), opium, ganja, cinchona etc |
46203 | Wholesale of live animals and poultry |
46204 | Wholesale of straw, fodder & other animal/poultry feed |
46205 | Wholesale of flowers and plants |
46206 | Wholesale of hides, skins and leather |
46207 | Wholesale of oilseed oleaginous fruits |
46208 | Wholesale of sugarcane |
46209 | Whole sale of other agriculture raw materials n.e.c. |
46301 | Wholesale of fruits & vegetables |
46302 | Wholesale of raw milk & dairy products |
46303 | Wholesale of meat, fish & eggs |
46304 | Wholesale of confectionery, bakery products and beverages other than intoxicants |
46305 | Wholesale of edible oils, fats, sugar and processed/manufactured spices etc. |
46306 | Wholesale of tea, coffee & cocoa |
46307 | Wholesale of manufactured tobacco & tobacco products |
46308 | Wholesale of intoxicants like wines and liquors |
46309 | Wholesale of other basic/manufactured food stuffs n.e.c. |
46411 | Wholesale of textiles, fabrics, yarn, household linen, articles of clothing, floor coverings and tapestry, sports clothes |
46412 | Wholesale of umbrella and clothing accessories |
46413 | Wholesale of footwear |
46419 | Wholesale of other clothing items n.e.c. |
46491 | Wholesale of toiletry, perfumery and cosmetics |
46492 | Wholesale of metal, porcelain and glass utensils; crockery and chinaware |
46493 | Wholesale of furniture and fixtures |
46494 | Wholesale of watches, clocks and optical goods |
46495 | Wholesale of recorded audio or video tapes, CDs and DVDs |
46496 | Wholesale of paper and other stationery items; books, magazines and newspapers |
46497 | Wholesale of pharmaceutical and medical goods |
46498 | Wholesale of precious metals and jewellery |
46499 | Wholesale of other households goods, n.e.c. |
46511 | Wholesale of computers and computer peripheral equipment |
46512 | Wholesale of software |
46521 | Wholesale of electronic valves and tubes, semiconductor devices, microchips, integrated circuits and printed circuits |
46522 | Wholesale of radio, television and other consumer electronics including CD/DVD players and recorders |
46523 | Wholesale of blank audio and video tapes and diskettes, magnetic and optical disks (CDs, DVDs) and parts |
46524 | Wholesale of telephone, mobile phone and communications equipment and parts |
46529 | Wholesale of other electronic equipments and parts thereof |
46531 | Wholesale of tractors used in agriculture and forestry |
46532 | Wholesale of ploughs, manure spreaders, seeders, harvesters, threshers |
46533 | Wholesale of milking machines, poultry-keeping machines, bee-keeping machines |
46539 | Wholesale of other agriculture machinery n.e.c. |
46591 | Wholesale of office machinery and equipment, except computers and computer peripheral equipment |
46592 | Wholesale of transport equipment except motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles |
46593 | Wholesale of electrical machinery, equipment and supplies, n.e.c. |
46594 | Wholesale of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment |
46595 | Wholesale of machinery and equipment for the textile, wood and metal industries etc. |
46596 | Wholesale of scientific, medical and surgical machinery and equipment |
46599 | Wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies n.e.c. |
46610 | Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products |
46620 | Wholesale of metals and metal ores |
46631 | Wholesale of wood in the rough and products of primary processing of wood |
46632 | Wholesale of construction materials (sand, gravel etc.) |
46633 | Wholesale of hardware and sanitary fittings and fixtures and flat glass including tools such as hammers, saws, screwdrivers and other hand tools |
46634 | Wholesale of paints, varnishes, and lacquers |
46639 | Wholesale of other construction equipment n.e.c. |
46691 | Wholesale of industrial chemicals, |
46692 | Wholesale of fertilizers and agrochemical products |
46693 | Wholesale of plastic materials in primary forms |
46694 | Wholesale of rubber |
46695 | Wholesale of textile fibres etc. |
46696 | Wholesale of paper in bulk |
46697 | Wholesale of precious stones |
46699 | Wholesale of metal and non-metal waste and scrap n.e.c. |
46901 | Wholesale trade via e-commerce excluding activities of commission agents |
46909 | Other non-specialised wholesale trade n.e.c. |
47110 | Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating |
4711x | Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobacco |
47190 | Other retail sale in non-specialized stores |
471xx | Retail sale in non-specialized stores |
47211 | Retail sale of cereals and pulses, tea, coffee, spices and flour |
47212 | Retail sale of fresh or preserved fruit and vegetables |
47213 | Retail sale of meat, meat products, poultry products, fish, other seafood and products thereof |
47214 | Retail sale of bakery products, dairy products and eggs |
47215 | Retail sale of sugar confectionery and sweetmeat |
47219 | Retail sale of other food products n.e.c. |
4721x | Retail sale of food in specialized stores |
47221 | Retail sale of alcoholic beverages not consumed on the spot |
47222 | Retail sale of non-alcoholic beverages including icecream not for consumption on the premises |
4722x | Retail sale of beverages in specialized stores |
47230 | Retail sale of tobacco products in specialized stores |
47300 | Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialized stores [includes the activity of petrol filling stations. |
47411 | Retail sale of computers and computer peripherals |
47412 | Retail sale of video games |
47413 | Retail sale of non-customized software |
47414 | Retail sale of telecommunication equipment |
47420 | Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialized stores |
47510 | Retail sale of textiles in specialized stores |
47521 | Retail sale of building material such as bricks, wood, sanitary equipment |
47522 | Retail sale of hardware including paints, varnishes and lacquers and do-it-yourself materials and equipments |
47523 | Retail sale of glass |
47531 | Retail sale of carpets, rugs, curtains and net curtains |
47532 | Retail sale of wallpaper and floor coverings |
47591 | Retail sale of household furniture |
47592 | Retail sale of household utensils and cutlery, crockery, glassware, china and pottery |
47593 | Retail sale of gas stoves, cooking/kitchen appliances |
47594 | Retail sale of refrigerators, washing machines and other electrical/electronic household goods |
47595 | Retail sale of musical instruments |
47599 | Retail sale of other household appliances n.e.c. |
475xx | Retail sale of other household equipment in specialized stores |
47611 | Retail sale of books of all kinds |
47612 | Retail sale of newspapers and magazines |
47613 | Retail sale of stationery office supplies such as pens, pencils, paper etc. |
47620 | Retail sale of music and video recordings in specialized stores |
47630 | Retail sale of sporting equipment in specialized stores |
47640 | Retail sale of games and toys in specialized stores |
47711 | Retail sale of readymade garments, hosiery goods, other articles of clothing and clothing accessories such as gloves, ties, braces etc. |
47712 | Retail sale of articles of fur and artificial fur |
47713 | Retail sale of footwear |
47714 | Retail sale of leather goods and travel accessories of leather and leather substitutes |
4771x | Retail sale of clothing, footwear and leather articles in specialized |
47721 | Retail sale of pharmaceuticals, medical and orthopedic goods and toilet articles |
47722 | Retail sale of perfumery and cosmetic articles |
47731 | Retail sale of photographic, optical and precision equipment |
47732 | Retail sale of watches and clocks |
47733 | Retail sale of jewellery and imitation jewellery |
47734 | Retail sale of flowers, plants, pet animals and pet food |
47735 | Retail sale of souvenirs, craftwork and religious articles, stamps and coins |
47736 | Retail sale of household fuel oil, bottled gas, coal and fuel wood |
47737 | Retail sale of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, machinery equipments and hand tools |
47738 | Activities of commercial art galleries |
47739 | Other retail sale of new goods in specialized stores n.e.c (weapons and ammunition, non food products) |
47740 | Retail sale of second-hand goods |
477xx | Retail sale of other goods in specialized stores |
47810 | Retail sale via stalls and markets of food, beverages and tobacco products |
47820 | Retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear |
47890 | Retail sale via stalls and markets of other goods |
47911 | Retail sale via mail order houses |
47912 | Retail sale via e-commerce |
47990 | Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets |
49110 | Passenger rail transport |
49120 | Freight rail transport |
49211 | Urban or suburban passenger bus transport (excluding chartered bus) |
49212 | Urban or suburban tramways |
49213 | Urban or suburban underground or elevated rillways |
49219 | Other urban or suburban passenger transport n.e.c. |
49221 | Long-distance bus services |
49222 | Charters, excursions and other occasional coach services |
49223 | Rental of private cars with driver |
49224 | Taxi operation |
49225 | Operation of school buses and buses for transport of employees |
49226 | Passenger transport by man- or animal-drawn vehicles |
49229 | Other non urban passenger land transport n.e.c. |
49231 | Motorised road freight transport |
49232 | Non-motorised road freight transport |
4923x | Freight transport by road |
49300 | Transport via pipeline |
49xxx | Land transport and transport via pipelines |
50111 | Sea and coastal ferry service |
50112 | Sea and coastal water cruise, water taxis and other sight seeing boats |
50113 | Sea and coastal long distance water transport |
50119 | Other sea and coastal water transport n.e.c. |
50120 | Sea and coastal freight water transport |
50211 | River ferry service |
50212 | River cruise, water taxi, boat services |
50213 | Long distance river water transport |
50219 | Other inland water transport n.e.c. |
50220 | Inland freight water transport |
51101 | Passenger airways |
51102 | Helicopter services |
51109 | Other passenger air-transport n.e.c |
51201 | Freight air transport services |
51202 | Launching of satellites and space vehicles and space transport |
52101 | Warehousing of refrigerated (cold storage) |
52102 | Warehousing non-refrigerated |
52109 | Storage and warehousing n.e.c. |
52211 | Car parking including motorcycle and bicycle parking |
52212 | Support service at railway stations, bus stations, bridges etc. |
52213 | Switching and shunting |
52219 | Other land transport services n.e.c |
52220 | Service activities incidental to water transportation |
52231 | Activities related to air transport of passengers, animals or freight |
52232 | Firefighting and fire-prevention services at airports |
52241 | Cargo handling incidental to land transport |
52242 | Cargo handling incidental to water transport |
52243 | Cargo handling incidental to air transport |
52291 | Activities of travel agents and tour operators |
52292 | Activities of shipping cargo agents |
52293 | Activities of movers and packers |
52294 | Weighing of goods |
522xx | Support activities for transportation |
52xxx | Warehousing and support activities for transportation |
53100 | Postal activities |
53200 | Courier activities |
532xx | Courier activities |
55101 | Hotels and Motels, inns, resorts providing short term lodging facilities; includes accommodation in house boats |
55102 | Provision of short term lodging facilities |
55109 | Provision of short stay accommodation n.e.c. (e.g. holiday homes, private guest houses etc.) |
5510x | Short term accommodation activities |
55200 | Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks |
55901 | Accommodation provided by student residences, school dormitories |
55902 | Worker hostels and boarding houses |
56101 | Restaurants without bars |
56102 | Cafeterias, fast-food restaurants and other food preparation in market stalls |
56103 | Ice cream mobile vendors, mobile food carts |
56104 | Restaurant and bar activities connected to transportation, when carried out by separate units |
561xx | Restaurants and mobile food service activities |
56210 | Event catering |
56291 | Activities of food service contractors (e.g. for transportation companies) |
56292 | Operation of canteens or (e.g. for factories, offices, hospitals or schools) on a concession basis |
56301 | Bars and Restaurants with bars |
56302 | Tea/coffee shops |
56303 | Fruit juice bars |
56304 | Mobile beverage vendors |
56xxx | Food and beverage service activities |
58111 | Publishing of books, brochures, leaflets and similar publications, including publishing encyclopedias (including on CD-ROM) |
58112 | Publishing of atlases, maps and charts |
58113 | Publishing of audio books |
58121 | Publishing of mailing lists and telephone directories |
58122 | Publishing of other directories and compilations, such as case law, pharmaceutical compendia etc. |
58131 | Publishing of newspapers |
58132 | Publishing of journals and periodicals |
58191 | On-line publishing of statistics and other information |
58199 | Other publishing activities (including on-line) n.e.c. |
58201 | Publishing of operating systems and system software |
58202 | Publishing of operating business and other applications |
58203 | Publishing of computer games for all platforms |
59111 | Production of motion picture |
59112 | Video production |
59113 | Production of television programmes or television commercials |
59121 | Post production activities of motion picture |
59122 | Post production activities of television programmes or television commercials |
59123 | Post production activities of video production |
59131 | Motion picture distribution |
59132 | Distribution of video tapes, CD and DVDs |
59133 | Distribution of television programme |
59141 | Motion picture or video tape projection in cinemas, in the open air or in other projection facilities |
59142 | Activities of cine-clubs |
59201 | Activities of sound recording in studio or elsewhere |
59202 | Activities of music publishing |
60100 | Radio broadcasting |
60200 | Television programming and broadcasting activities |
61101 | Activities of basic telecom services: telephone, telex and telegraph (includes the activities of STD/ISD booths) |
61102 | Maintenance of telecom network |
61103 | Activities of the cable operators |
61104 | Activities of providing internet access by the operator of the wired infrastructure |
61201 | Activities of Internet access by the operator of the wireless infrastructure |
61202 | Activities of maintaining and operating paging, cellular and other telecommunication networks |
61209 | Activities of other wireless telecommunications activities |
6120x | Wireless telecommunications activities |
61301 | Activity of Internet access by the operator of the satellite infrastructure |
61309 | Other satellite telecommunications activities |
61900 | Other telecommunications activities |
62011 | Writing, modifying, testing of computer program to meet the needs of a particular client excluding web-page designing |
62012 | Web-page designing |
62013 | Providing software support and maintenance to the clients |
62020 | Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities |
62091 | Software installation |
62092 | Computer disaster recovery |
62099 | Other information technology and computer service activities n.e.c |
63111 | Data processing activities including report writing |
63112 | Web hosting activities |
63113 | Providing general time-share mainframe facilities to clients |
63114 | Providing data entry services |
63119 | Other data processing, hosting and related activities n.e.c. |
63121 | Operation of web sites that use a search engine to generate and maintain extensive databases |
63122 | Operation of other websites that act as portals to the Internet |
63910 | News agency activities |
63991 | Telephone based information services |
63992 | Activities of cyber café |
63999 | Other information service activities n.e.c. |
64110 | Central banking |
64191 | Monetary intermediation of commercial banks, saving banks. postal savings bank and discount houses |
64192 | Activities of specialized institutions granting credit for house purchases that also take deposits |
64199 | Other monetary intermediation services n.e.c. |
64200 | Activities of holding companie |
6420x | Activities of holding companies |
64300 | Trusts, funds and other financial vehicles |
64910 | Financial leasing |
64920 | Other credit granting |
64990 | Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding activities, n.e.c. |
649xx | Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding |
65110 | Life insurance |
65120 | Non-life insurance |
65200 | Reinsurance |
65300 | Pension funding |
66110 | Administration of financial markets |
66120 | Security and commodity contracts brokerage |
66190 | Activities auxiliary to financial service activities n.e.c. |
66210 | Risk and damage evaluation |
66220 | Activities of insurance agents and brokers |
66290 | Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding |
66301 | Management of mutual funds |
66302 | Management of pension funds |
66309 | Management of other investment funds |
68100 | Real estate activities with own or leased property |
68200 | Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis |
69100 | Legal activities |
69201 | Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities |
69202 | Tax consultancy |
70100 | Activities of head offices |
70200 | Management consultancy activities |
71100 | Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy |
7110x | Architectural and engineering activities and related technical |
71200 | Technical testing and analysis |
72100 | Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering |
72200 | Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities |
73100 | Advertising |
73200 | Market research and public opinion polling |
74101 | Fashion design related to textiles, wearing apparel, shoes, jewelry, furniture etc |
74102 | Activities of interior decorators |
74103 | Services of graphic designers |
74109 | Other specialized design activities n.e.c. |
74201 | Commercial and consumer photograph production |
74202 | Photographic film processing |
74203 | Activities of photojournalists |
74204 | Microfilming of documents |
74209 | Other photographic activities |
74901 | Business brokerage activities |
74902 | Patent brokerage activities |
74903 | Weather forecasting activities |
74904 | Security consulting |
74909 | Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c. |
75000 | Veterinary activities |
75xxx | Veterinary activities |
77100 | Renting and leasing of motor vehicles |
771xx | Renting and leasing of motor vehicles |
77210 | Renting and leasing of recreational and sports goods |
77220 | Renting of video tapes and disks |
77291 | Renting of tent, furniture, pottery and glass, kitchen and tableware, utensils, household electrical and electronic equipments etc. |
77292 | Renting of books, journals and magazines |
77293 | Renting of jewellery, musical instruments, scenery and costumes |
77294 | Renting of textiles, wearing apparel, footwear, sleeping bag, rucksack, household goods |
77299 | Renting of other personal and household goods n.e.c. |
77301 | Renting and operational leasing, without operator, of other machinery and equipment |
77302 | Renting and operational leasing of agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment without operator |
77303 | Renting and operational leasing of construction and civil-engineering machinery and equipment without operator |
77304 | Renting and operational leasing of office machinery and equipment without operator |
77305 | Renting and operational leasing of land-transport equipment (other than motor vehicles) without drivers |
77306 | Renting and operational leasing of water-transport equipment without operator |
77307 | Renting and operational leasing of air transport equipment without operator |
77308 | Renting of other tangible goods with out operator (includes renting of containers, pallets, animals etc.) |
77309 | Renting and leasing of other machinery and equipment n.e.c. without operator |
77400 | Leasing of nonfinancial intangible assets |
78100 | Activities of employment placement agencies |
78200 | Temporary employment agency activities |
78300 | Human resources provision and management of human resources functions |
79110 | Travel agency activities |
79120 | Tour operator activities |
79900 | Other reservation service and related activities |
80100 | Private security activities |
8010x | Private security activities |
80200 | Security systems service activities |
802xx | Security systems service activities |
80300 | Investigation activities |
81100 | Combined facilities support activities |
81210 | General cleaning of buildings |
81291 | Cleaning of trains buses, planes etc. |
81292 | Cleaning of industrial machinery |
81299 | Other building and industrial cleaning activities |
81300 | Landscape care and maintenance service activities |
82110 | Combined office administrative service activities |
8211x | Combined office administrative service activities |
82191 | Photocopying, duplicating and blueprinting services |
82192 | Document preparation, typing, word processing and desktop publishing services |
82199 | Other specialised office support services activities |
821xx | Office administrative and support activities |
82200 | Activities of call centres |
82300 | Organization of conventions and trade shows |
82910 | Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus |
82920 | Packaging activities |
82990 | Other business support service activities n.e.c |
84111 | General public service activities relating to executive |
84112 | General public service activities relating to legislation |
84119 | General public service activities n.e.c. |
8411x | General public administration activities |
84121 | Regulatory agencies relating to health |
84122 | Regulatory agencies relating to education |
84129 | Regulatory agencies relating to other social services n.e.c. excluding social security |
84130 | Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses |
841xx | Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the |
84210 | Foreign affairs |
84220 | Defence activities |
84230 | Public order and safety activities |
84300 | Compulsory social security activities |
84xxx | Public administration and defence; compulsory social security |
85101 | Pre-primary education (education preceding the first level) |
85102 | Primary education (education at the first level) |
85103 | Provision of literacy programmes for adults at primary level |
85104 | Special education for handicapped students at primary level |
85109 | Other primary education activities n.e.c. |
851xx | Primary education |
85211 | General school education in the first stage of the secondary level |
85212 | General school education in the second stage of the secondary level |
85213 | Special education for handicapped students at first stage or second stage of secondary level |
85221 | Technical and vocational education below the level of higher education except for handicapped |
85222 | Technical and vocational education for handicapped students below the level of higher education |
85223 | Professional motor driving school |
852xx | Secondary education |
85301 | Higher education in science, commerce, humanity and fine arts leading to a university degree or equivalent |
85302 | Higher education in engineering / other technical courses leading to a university degree or equivalent |
85303 | Higher education in medical/bio-technology |
85304 | Higher education in management courses leading to a degree or equivalent |
85305 | Higher education in law leading to a degree or equivalent |
85306 | Higher education in other professional/ vocational courses leading to a degree or equivalent |
85307 | Higher education not leading to a degree or equivalent |
853xx | Higher education |
85410 | Sports and recreation education |
85420 | Cultural education |
85491 | Academic tutoring services |
85492 | Professional examination review courses |
85493 | Flying school |
85494 | Motor driving school (non-professional) |
85499 | Other educational services n.e.c. |
85500 | Educational support services |
85xxx | Education |
86100 | Hospital activities |
861xx | Hospital activities |
86201 | Medical practice activities |
86202 | Dental practice activities |
862xx | 862 Medical and dental practice activities |
86901 | Activities of Ayurveda practitioners |
86902 | Activities of Unani practitioners |
86903 | Activities of homeopaths |
86904 | Activities of nurses, masseures, physiotherapists or other para-medical practitioners |
86905 | Activities of independent diagnostic/pathological laboratories |
86906 | Activities of independent blood banks |
86909 | Other human health activities n.e.c. (including independent ambulance activities) |
86xxx | Human health activities |
87100 | Nursing care facilities |
87200 | Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse |
87300 | Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled |
87900 | Other residential care activities n.e.c. |
88100 | Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled |
88900 | Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c. |
88xxx | Social work activities without accommodation |
90001 | Stage production and related activities |
90002 | Operation of concert and theatre halls and other arts facilities |
90003 | Activities of sculptors, painters, cartoonists, engravers, etchers etc. |
90004 | Activities of individual writers, for all subjects including fictional writing, technical writing etc. |
90005 | Activities of independent journalists |
90006 | Activities of restoring of works of art such as paintings etc. |
90009 | Other creative arts and entertainment activities |
91010 | Library and archives activities |
91020 | Museums activities and operation of historical sites and buildings |
91030 | Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities |
910xx | Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities |
92001 | Wholesale of lottery tickets |
92002 | Retail sale of lottery tickets |
92009 | Other gambling and betting activities |
92xxx | Gambling and betting activities |
93110 | Operation of sports facilities |
93120 | Activities of sports clubs |
93190 | Other sports activities |
93210 | Activities of amusement parks and theme parks |
93290 | Other amusement and recreation activities n.e.c. |
93xxx | Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities |
94110 | Activities of business and employers membership organisations |
94120 | Activities of professional membership organizations |
94200 | Activities of trade unions |
942xx | Activities of trade unions |
94910 | Activities of religious organizations |
94920 | Activities of political organizations |
94990 | Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c. |
95111 | Repair and maintenance of computer and peripheral equipment |
95112 | Repair and maintenance of automated terminals |
95120 | Repair of communication equipment |
95210 | Repair of consumer electronics |
9521x | Repair of consumer electronics |
95221 | Repair and servicing of household appliances |
95222 | Repair and servicing of home and garden equipment such lawn mowers, edgers, trimmers etc. |
95230 | Repair of footwear and leather goods |
95240 | Repair of furniture and home furnishings |
95291 | Repair of bicycles |
95292 | Repair and alteration of clothing |
95293 | Repair and alteration of jewellery |
95294 | Repair of watches, clocks and their parts |
95295 | Repair of musical instruments |
95299 | Repair of other personal and household goods n.e.c. |
95xxx | Repair of computers and personal and household goods |
96010 | Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products |
96020 | Hairdressing and other beauty treatment |
96030 | Funeral and related activities |
96091 | Social activities such as escort services, marriage bureaus |
96092 | Pet care services such as boarding, grooming and training pets etc. |
96093 | Shoe shiners, porters, valet car parkers etc. |
96094 | Coin-operated personal service machines such as photo booths, weighing machines, blood pressure checking machines etc. |
96095 | Activities of sauna and steam baths, massage salons etc. |
96096 | Astrological and spiritualists’ activities |
96097 | Activities of aaya, dhai, governess, baby sitter etc. |
96098 | General household maintenance activities like grooming of the floor, dusting, cleaning of utensils etc. |
960xx | Other personal service activities |
96xxx | Other personal service activities |
97000 | Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel |
97001 | Housemaid/Servant |
97002 | cook |
97003 | gardner |
97004 | gatekeeper/chowkidar/watchman |
97005 | governess/baby-sister |
97006 | tutor |
97007 | driver |
97009 | others |
9700x | Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel |
97xxx | Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel |
98100 | Undifferentiated goods-producing activities of private households for own use |
98200 | Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use |
99000 | Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.