India - Annual Survey of Industries: 1984-85
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-1984-85 |
Year | 1985 - 1986 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) |
Sponsor(s) | MOSPI, Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 26, 2016
Last modified
Sep 01, 2016
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Variable Groups
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
IDENTIFICATION PARTICULARS (B1,2,6,7) | Blocks 1/2/6/16 : Identification Particulars : The file contains the Identification particulars and classificatory characteristics of Factory. Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Primary key is State X RSL (Running serial number). There are few duplicate records in the data. Variables in the this data set are: Other fields are: Cont. R.S.L.,Permanent Sl. No.,No. of Units State/Dist/Block,FOD Region Code,R/U/M Code,Backward Area Code,Year of Initial Prod. Type of Organisation,Type of Ownership,Type of Management,Whether ancillary unit,Wheather registered Accounting Year Closing,Months of operation,Type of power used,Open/Closed Code etc. Working dayts and shifts information from Block-6 : Number of manufacturing days, Total number of working days, Total number of shifts and lenght of shift (in hours 0.0). | 57771 | 35 |
B4-FIXED ASSETS | Block - 4A - fixed assets : Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Data has been captured for Net opening balance, Value of addtions etc. during the accounting year in Rs. for new and used purchases, Own construction, sold and discarded, depreciation, Net closing balance and Rent paid for each record category given below: 041--Land 042--Improvement to land etc. 043--Building 044-Plant and Machinery 045--Transport equipment 046--Tools etc 047--Assets under const. 048--Total | 265603 | 13 |
B5-WORKING CAPITAL | Block - 5 - Inventory of Working Capital: Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Following items have been recorded here: Materials , fuels, Stores etc. Semi-finished Goods including in Process Product and by Products Sub-total (1 +2+3): Physical working capital Cash in hand and at bank Amounts Receivable Amounts Payable Net balance ( 6-7) Total ( 4+5+8) | 106882 | 13 |
B6-OUTSTANDING LOAN | Block - 6 : OUTSTANDING LOANS Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Following items have been recorded here for record category 61- Opening balance (Col 1), 62-Closing balance (Col 2): 1 Borrowing from term lending institutions 2 Public Sector Banks 3 Co-Operative banks 4 Other Banks 5 Government 6 Others 7 Total ( 1 to 6) | 82858 | 11 |
B8A-EMPLOYMENT AND EMOLUMENTS | Block -8A : EMPLOYMENT AND EMOLUMENTS DURING THE ACCOUNTING YEAR Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For record category: 081 - Manufacturing ( col. 2 ) 082 - Non-manufacturing ( col. 3 ) 083 - Total ( Col. 4 ) 084 - Salaries wages etc. ( col. 6 ) 085 - Bonus ( col. 7 ) Employemnet and emoluments for workers, employees and others are recrded here. | 212817 | 13 |
B8A86-EMPLOYMENT AND EMOLUMENTS | Block -8A : EMPLOYMENT AND EMOLUMENTS DURING THE ACCOUNTING YEAR Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For record category 086 Employemnet and emoluments for workers, employees and others are recrded here. | 54797 | 13 |
B8B-EMPLOYEES BENEFITS | Block -8B : EMPLOYEES BENEFITS Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For record category 87: Employees benefits, employees contribution to old age benefits, Social security, Expenditure on maternity benefits and other group Benefits are recorded here. | 45428 | 13 |
B8B88-EMPLOYMENT AND EMOLUMENTS | Block -8B : EMPLOYEES BENEFITS Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For record category 88: Employees benefits for Expenditure on maternity benefits and other group Benefits are recorded here. | 47013 | 11 |
B10-OTHER INPUT ITEMS | Block -10 : OTHER ITEMS OF INPUT (I.E OTHER THAN THOSE REPORTED IN BLOCKS 9 AND 13) Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For record category 101: Cost on Repair and maintenance for building, materials and other fixed Assetes. Cost of cobtract and commission work done as well as Purchase value of goods sold in the same condition as purchased etc recorded here. | 51845 | 12 |
B11-NON-IND SERVICES COST | Block -11 : COST OF NON-INDUSTRIAL SERVICES RENDERED BY OTHERS Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For record category 111 amount on following recorded here: 1 Postage services and Telephone charges and Telephone rent 2 Audit Fee Account and Bank Charges 3 Insurance 4 Advertising 5 Legal Charges including stamp Papers 6 Inward Transport Charges 7 Purchasing Services Charges 8 Taxes and duty on Purchases 9 Local rates, factory, licenses , provident fund administration charges, subscription to business association and boiler inspection etc. | 55535 | 13 |
B11C-NON-IND SERVICES COST | Block -11 : COST OF NON-INDUSTRIAL SERVICES RENDERED BY OTHERS (Continued) Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For record category 112, amount on the remaing item of this block recorded here: 10 Office supplies , stationery, technical magazine, and periodical etc. 11 Others 12 Sub-Total (i) (Items 1 to 11) 13 Other Misc. expenditure Rent other than payments of rent for use of land 14 Interest 15 Sub-Total (ii) (Items 13+14) 16 Total (12+15) | 57855 | 13 |
B12-OTHER OUTPUT | Block 12 – Output Other than those reported in Block - 14 Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For record category 121, amount on the remaing item of this block recorded here: 1 Receipts for industrial work done for , or industrial services rendered to others 2 Net Balance output sold in the same condition as purchased ( items 8 of Block 12 minus item 7 of Block 10 ) 3 Receipts for non-industrial services rendered to others, if any 4 Sub-total (1 +2 + 3) 4 Variation in stock of semi-finished goods 5 Quantity of Electricity (a) Consumed by the Factory (KWH)* (b) Sold (KWH)* 6 Value of Electricity Sold 7 Total (4 + 6) 8 Sale Value of Goods Sold in the same condition as purchased. | 41475 | 13 |
B13-MATERIALS CONSUMED | Block -9,13A,13,14,14C - Materials consumed Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Following are the record categories for which quantity consumed and value are recorded: 091-Fuels,Lubricants & electricity etc. consumed 131--Materials consumed (Excluding intermediate products) 133-Imported Materials etc. (13B) 143-Production of year | 225736 | 17 |
B13-INDUSTRIAL COMPONENTS | Block -13:- INDUSTRIAL COMPONENTS ETC. Fields in this blocks are: Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. For the record category 132 quantity consumed and value are recorded: | 428 | 15 |
B14-PRODUCTS AND BY-PRODUCTS-1 | Block 14: Products and by-products inclding fixed assets (excluding intermediate products) manufactured and sold during the year 1983-84. File contains data for Manufacture, Sale and distributive expenses. The items are Item code, Quantity sold, Quantity manufactures, Gross sale value, Excise duty and Sales tax. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Record category is 141 | 188891 | 12 |
B14A-DISTRIBUTIVE EXPENSES | Block 14 A: Details of distributive expenses on sale during the accounting years. File contains data for Manufacture, Sale and distributive expenses. Fields in this block are : Common information in all the blocks : Industry,Running Sl. No.,State, Scheme,Record Category. Other fields : Excise duty, Sale Tax, Transport charges, Commission to agents, Rebates, Others and Total for Distributive expenses (Rs.) Record category is 142 | 57419 | 11 |