India - Unorganised Manufacture: NSS 45th Round Schedule 2.2.2, July 1989 - June 1990
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-45-Rnd-Sch2.2.2-UM-1989-90 |
Year | 1989 - 1990 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and PI - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Jul 27, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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Data Collection
Data Collection Dates
Start | End | Cycle |
1989-07-01 | 1990-06-30 | N/A |
Data Collection Mode
Face-to-face [f2f]Data Collection Notes
The data as per detail given below is organised by block/level.File name Record length No. of records Remarks
DL01345C TXT 150 5,11,324 Level 01,03,04,05 Rural +Urban
D150L02C TXT 150 6,42,641 Level 02 Rural +Urban
D150L06C TXT 150 2,38,480 Level 06 Rural +Urban
D150L07C TXT 150 6,99,880 Level 07 Rural +Urban
D150L08C TXT 150 2,10,919 Level 08 Rural +Urban
D150L09C TXT 150 5,64,828 Level 09 Rural +Urban
D150L10C TXT 150 1,72,989 Level 10 Rural +Urban
D150L11C TXT 150 1,76,367 Level 11 Rural +Urban
D150L12C TXT 150 1,25,055 Level 12 Rural +Urban
D150L13C TXT 150 1,23,305 Level 13 Rural +Urban
LAYDATA TXT Layout of data
LAYDIR TXT Layout of directory
STCODES DOC List of state codes
SCHEDULE PDF Schedule (Questionnaire)
Note : (1) f.s.u. serial numbers assigned false numbers to disable identity of units.
(2) files are in ASCII format and they are flat / line sequential.
Block 1: Identification of sample enterprise/establishmentBlock 2: Particu1ars of field operation
Block 3: details of operation and some background information
Block 4: Value of Fixed assets
Block 5: Value of working capital
Block 6: outstanding loan includinig interest (in rupees)
Block 7: employment during the reference month
Block 8: emoluments during the reference period
Block 9: quantity and value of raw materials consumed
Block10: value of fuels and other inputs.
Block 11: quantity and value of products and by-products manufactured
Block 12: other receipts and calculation of gross value added
Block 13: agency and manner of purchase of important raw materials during the reference year
Block 14: agency and manner of disposal of Important products during reference year
Block 15: state assistance during the reference period
Block 16: working account of last thirty days prior to date of
Note : In the data set these are identified by Level No. and block no.
Data Collectors
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation |
Field Office Division (NSSO) | FOD (NSSO) | Minstry of Statistics and PI, Govt. of India |
Field Office Division of NSSO, Ministry of Statistics and PI