India - Unorganised Manufacture: NSS 45th Round Schedule 2.2.2, July 1989 - June 1990
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-45-Rnd-Sch2.2.2-UM-1989-90 |
Year | 1989 - 1990 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and PI - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 27, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
Page views
- Block_1_3 Enterprise
Identification deta
ils - Block_4 Fixed Assets
- Block_5 Working Capi
tal - Block_6 Outstanding
loan - Block_7 Employment a
nd emoluments - Block_9 Raw material
s - Block_10 Fuels and o
ther Inputs - Block_11 Products an
d By-products - Block_12 Other recei
pts and GVA - Block_13 Agency and
purchase of raw mate
rials - Block_14 Agency and
disposal of products - Block_15 State Assis
tance - Block_16 Working acc
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Block_5 Working Capital
Content | This file contains responses relating to questions from Block 5 Value of working capital of the questionnaire. Value (Rs.) for raw materials, store, fuel, semi-finished products and by-products and amount payable and receivable recorded here. Also included are the weight to be used at various levels. Note: Some data items such as Sector-2, sample-2 etc are generated and replicated in the data sets, Values in these data items are different but no explanation is available. |
Cases | 123305 |
Variable(s) | 45 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: FSU_No (Vill/block, Hamlet_No (Hemlet group/sub-block no.), Ent_type (Enterprise type), SMP_Ent_NO (Sample enterprise no), SR_NO (Item code/ |
Name | Label | Question | |
Filler_1 | Blank | ||
Flot | Flot no. | Flot no. | |
Rnd | Round/sch.type | Round/sch.type | |
FOD_Rgn | Fod sub-region | Fod sub-region | |
FSU_No | Vill/block | Vill/block | |
Hamlet_No | Hemlet group/sub-block no. | Hemlet group/sub-block no. | |
Ent_type | Enterprise type | Enterprise type | |
SMP_Ent_NO | Sample enterprise no | Sample enterprise no | |
Level | Level no | Level no | |
SR_NO | Item code/ | Item code/ | |
Type_CD | Type code | Type code | |
B5_q1 | Raw materials | Raw materials | |
B5_q2 | Stores | Stores | |
B5_q3 | Fuel | Fuel | |
B5_q4 | Semifinihed goods etc | Semifinihed goods etc | |
B5_q5 | Sub-total | Sub-total | |
B5_q6a | Sign for cash in hand | Sign for cash in hand | |
B5_q6 | Cash in hand etc | Cash in hand etc | |
B5_q7 | Amount receivable | Amount receivable | |
B5_q8 | Amount payable | Amount payable | |
B5_q9a | Sign for net balance | Sign for net balance | |
B5_q9 | Net balance | Net balance | |
B5_q10 | Sign for total working capital | Sign for total working capital | |
B5_q10a | Total working capital | Total working capital | |
Filler_2 | Blank | ||
Sample | Sample | Sample | |
SECTOR | sector | sector | |
ST_RGN | State-region | State-region | |
STRTUM | Stratum | Stratum | |
SUB_STRTM | Sub-stratum | Sub-stratum | |
SUB_SMP | Sub-sample | Sub-sample | |
SUB_RND | Sub-round | Sub-round | |
UPDT | Update code | ||
NIC | NIC | NIC | |
Sample_2 | Sample | Sample | |
sector_2 | Sector | Sector | |
ZSR | Zone-state-region (ZSR) | Zone-state-region (ZSR) | |
STRTM_2 | Stratum | Stratum | |
SUB_STRTM_2 | Sub-stratum | Sub-stratum | |
SUB_SMP_2 | Sub-sample | Sub-sample | |
REGN_KVIC | Registration code for KVIC | Registration code for KVIC ( code is 1) | |
REGN_IND | Registration code for other industries | Registration code for other industries ( code is 1) | |
WGT | Multiplier | Multiplier | |
INSTT_CD | Institutional code | Institutional code | |
OPN_CD | Nature of operation code | Nature of operation code | |
Total variable(s):
45 |