India - Household Consumer Expenditure Survey: 64th Round, Schedule 1.0, July 2007 - June 2008
Reference ID | DDI-IND-NSSO-64-SCHEDULE-1.0 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office,NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statistics & P.i, Govenment of Indis - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Aug 21, 2015
Last modified
Aug 22, 2015
Page views
- Identification of Sa
mple Household - Household Characteri
stics - Demographic and othe
r particulars of hou
sehold members - Consumption of food,
pan, tobacco , into
xicants and fuel dur
ing the last 30 days - Consumption of cloth
ing, bedding and foo
twear during the las
t 365 days - Expenditure on educa
tion , medical (inst
itutional) goods and
services during the
last 365 days and e
xpenditutre on misce
llaneous goods and s
ervices including, r
ents and taxes durin
g the last 30 days - Expenditure for purc
hase and constructio
n (including repair
and maintenance) of
durable goods for do
mestic use during th
e last 365
Variable Groups
Cost of Raw Materials
File: Expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use during the last 365
File: Expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for domestic use during the last 365
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 6 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-540090 | Valid cases: 202744 Invalid: 432007 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 540090 Mean: 1092.9 Standard deviation: 5020.5 |
Cost of raw materials and services for construction and repair: Value (Rs) of expenditure on materials and services for construction, assemblage, repair and maintenance of all durable goods - first-hand as well as second-hand.
Questions and instructions
cost of raw materials and services for construction and repair: This column is for recording expenditure on materials and services for construction, assemblage, repair and maintenance of all durable goods - first-hand as well as second-hand. Value of durable goods constructed will comprise value of raw materials, services and/or labour charges and any other charges. The total value of raw materials, services and labour charges will be recorded in this block. Here, expenditure incurred towards repair and maintenance of items purchased second-hand will also be accounted.