India - Household Consumer Expenditure, NSS 49th Round, Schedule 1, Jan - June 1993
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-49Rnd-Sch1.0-1993 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Jul 28, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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- Block 1,3 ,10_Househ
old Characteristics - Block 4_Person recor
ds - Block 5_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
food and non-food i
tems - Block 6_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
clothing - Block 7_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
footwear - Block 8_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
miscellaneous goods
and services - Block 9_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
Variable Groups
Usual Activity. Subsidiary Status
File: Block 4_Person records
File: Block 4_Person records
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 13523 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
Which industry has the member of the household worked in subsidiary capacity during the last one year?
Value | Category | Cases | |
11 | worked in household enterprise (self employed) as an own account worker | 6869 | ![]() |
21 | worked in household enterprise (self employed) as ‘helper’ | 2594 | ![]() |
31 | worked as regular salaried/wage employee | 170 | ![]() |
41 | worked as casual wage labour in public works | 138 | ![]() |
51 | casual wage labour in other types of works | 3752 | ![]() |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
For each person listed in this block, it has to be ascertained whether he or she worked in a subsidiary capacity during the 365 days preceding the date of survey or not; in other words, whether he or she had a subsidiary economic usual status. This has to be ascertained for all the three broad categories of persons initially classified as 'employed', unemployed' and 'not in labour force'. To illustrate, a person categorised as working and assigned the principal usual activity status 'self-employed' may also be engaged for a relatively shorter time during the year as casual wage labour. In such a case, he will be considered to have worked also in a subsidiary capacity(i.e.,having a subsidiary economic status which is different from the principal status). On the other hand, a person may be self-employed in trade for a
relatively longer period and simultaneously also engaged in agricultural production for a relatively minor time. In such a
case, the principal usual activity status will be 'self-employed in trade' and subsidiary economic status, 'self-employed in
agriculture'. Similarly, persons categorised as 'unemployed' or 'not in labour force' on the basis of 'relatively longer time'
criterion might have pursued some economic activity for relatively shorter time during the year. In all the above cases, they will be treated to have had subsidiary economic usual status. It may be noted that engagement in work in subsidiary capacity may arise out of two situations :
(i) a person may be engaged for a relatively longer period during the 365 days in one economic activity/non-economic activity and for a relatively shorter period in another economic activity;
(ii) a person may be pursuing one economic activity/non- economic activity almost throughout the year in the principal status and also simultaneously pursuing another economic activity for relatively shorter time in a subsidiary capacity.
relatively longer period and simultaneously also engaged in agricultural production for a relatively minor time. In such a
case, the principal usual activity status will be 'self-employed in trade' and subsidiary economic status, 'self-employed in
agriculture'. Similarly, persons categorised as 'unemployed' or 'not in labour force' on the basis of 'relatively longer time'
criterion might have pursued some economic activity for relatively shorter time during the year. In all the above cases, they will be treated to have had subsidiary economic usual status. It may be noted that engagement in work in subsidiary capacity may arise out of two situations :
(i) a person may be engaged for a relatively longer period during the 365 days in one economic activity/non-economic activity and for a relatively shorter period in another economic activity;
(ii) a person may be pursuing one economic activity/non- economic activity almost throughout the year in the principal status and also simultaneously pursuing another economic activity for relatively shorter time in a subsidiary capacity.