India - Employment and Unemployment Survey: NSS 38th Round, Schedule 10, 1983
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-38Rnd-Sch10-1983 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Aug 22, 2015
Last modified
Aug 22, 2015
Page views
- Block-1-3-Household-
records - Block-41-Persons-Dem
y-records - Block-42-Persons-mig
ration-records - Block-5-Persons-Dail
yActivity-records - Block-6-Persons-Usua
lActivity-records - Block-7-Persons-Notw
tivity-record - Block-8-Persons-Addl
vity-records - Block-9-Persons-Dome
stic-duties-records - Block-10-Household-L
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Block-9-Persons-Domestic-duties-records
Content | This dataset contains responses to some followup questions of block-9 of the schedule collected from the persons usually engaged in domestic chores. |
Cases | 120804 |
Variable(s) | 39 |
Producer | NSSO |
Name | Label | Question | |
Hhold_key | Key to identify household | ||
Person_key | Key to identify person | ||
Sample | Sample | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
Sector | Sector | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
State | State | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
Region | Region | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
Stratum | Stratum | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
Sub_Sample | Sub-Sample | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
Sub_Round | Sub-Round | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
FSU_Slno | Serial No.of Village/Block(FSU) | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
Hhold_Slno | Sample Household No. | See Block-1-3 dataset | |
Person_slno | Serial No. of person | Serial No. of person | |
B9_q2 | Principal usual Activity status (UAS)Code | Principal usual Activity status (UAS)Code | |
B9_q3 | Spend mostof your time on domestic duties? | Were you required to spend most of your time on domestic duties almost throughout the last 365 days? (yes-I, no-2) | |
B9_q4 | IF YES, Reason thereof | For code- 1 in question 3 : reason thereof | |
B9_q5 | If NO,Reason thereof | For code- 2 in question 3 : reason thereof | |
B9_q6 | Did you carry out maintenance o fkitchen garden etc? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- maIntenance of kItchen gardens, orchards etc. ? (yes-1, no-2) | |
B9_q7 | Work in the pooltry? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- work in household poultry? (yes-I, no-2 | |
B9_q8 | Work in houssehold dairy? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- work in household dairy? (yes-I, no-2 | |
B9_q9 | Free collection of fish veg for HH consumption(yes=1,No=2) | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- free collection of fish, small game, wild fruits, vegetables etc., for household consumptIon? (yes-1l; no-2) | |
B9_q10 | Free collection of firewood? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- free collection of fire-wood, cow-dung, cattle feed etc., for household consumption? (yes-I, no-2). | |
B9_q11 | Husking paddy for consumption | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- husking of paddy for household consumption? | |
B9_q12 | Preparation of gur for HH consumption? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- prepration of gur for household consumption? | |
B9_q13 | Grinding of foodgrains ? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- grinding of foodgrains for household consumption ? | |
B9_q14 | Prepartion of cow-Dung cakes? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- preparation of cow-dung cakes for use as fuel in the household ? | |
B9_q15 | Sewing?Tailoring,Wearing etc? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- sewing; tailoring. weaving etc. for household use? | |
B9_q16 | Tutoring of own/other Children? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- Tutoring of cwn chldren or other children free of charge ? | |
B9_q17 | Bringing of water from outside for-HH consumtion? | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- Bringing water from outside the premises for household consumption? | |
B9_q18 | Bringing water from outside-village(only for rural areas) | AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- Bringing water from out-side village ?(only for rural areas) | |
B9_q19 | Water at distance (in kms)? | for code 1 in question 18: distance in kilometres. | |
B9_q20 | Willing to accept work? | inspite of your pre-occupation in domestic duties, are you willing to" accept work, if work is made available at your household,? (yes-J, no-2) | |
B9_q21 | Nature of work acceptable | For code -1 in question 20 , the nature of work acceptable. | |
B9_q22 | Type of work acceptable | Type of work acceptable(Code) | |
B9_q23 | Skill/Experience code | Do you have Skill/Experience to undertake that work code | |
B9_q24 | Assistance code | what assistance do you require to undertake that work (code)? | |
Wgt1_strm | Multiplier-1 (Stratum level) | ||
Wgt2_SS | Multiplier-2 (Sub-Sample level) | ||
Wgt3_SR | Multiplier-3 (Sub-round level) | ||
Wgt4_pooled | Multiplier-4 (for combinedestimates) | ||
Total variable(s):
39 |