India - Survey of Disabled Persons, NSS 58th Round, Schedule 26, July 2002 - Dec 2002
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-58Rnd-Sch26-July2002-Dec2002 |
Year | 2002 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Aug 01, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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How aid/appliance acquired
File: Block 5_Particulars of physical disability of the disabled member
File: Block 5_Particulars of physical disability of the disabled member
Discrete Format: character Width: 1 | Valid cases: 11333 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Columns 14 to 17 are to be filled if entry is 1 in column 13.
How the aid/appliance was acquired by the disabled member of the household?
Value | Category | Cases | |
1 | purchased | 7301 | 64.4% |
2 | assistance from govemment | 1930 | 17.0% |
3 | assistance from non-government organisation | 732 | 6.5% |
7 | invalid | 1 | 0.0% |
9 | others | 1369 | 12.1% |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
How the aid/appliance relating to the disability was acquired by the disabled member, will be recorded in codes against this item. The codes are:
purchased …………………….. 1
assistance from:
government ………………… 2
non-government organisation.. 3
others …………………………. 9
If an aid/appliance is purchased using own money as well as financial assistance from any organisation, then the code 1 will be given if own money is more than the financial assistance. Else, one of codes 2, 3 or 9 will be assigned. Codes 2, 3 or 9 will also be applicable if the aid/appliance is given in kind.
purchased …………………….. 1
assistance from:
government ………………… 2
non-government organisation.. 3
others …………………………. 9
If an aid/appliance is purchased using own money as well as financial assistance from any organisation, then the code 1 will be given if own money is more than the financial assistance. Else, one of codes 2, 3 or 9 will be assigned. Codes 2, 3 or 9 will also be applicable if the aid/appliance is given in kind.