India - Situation Assessment Survey of Formers: NSS 59th Round, Schedule 33, 2003
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-59Rnd-Sch33-SAF-2003 |
Year | 2003 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and PI - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 02, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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Data Collection
Data Collection Dates
Start | End | Cycle |
2003-01-01 | 2003-08-31 | Sub Round 1 |
2003-09-01 | 2003-12-31 | Sub Round 2 |
Data Collection Mode
Face-to-face [f2f]Data Collection Notes
Period of survey and work programme: The survey period of this round was divided into two sub-rounds of three months duration.
Schedule 33 (Situation Assessment Survey) has been split into several blocks to obtain detailed information onvarious aspects of farmer households.
Block 0- Descriptive identification of sample household: This block is meant for recording descriptive identification
particulars of a sample household.
Block 1- Identification of sample household: items 1 to 12: The identification particulars for items 1, 6 - 11 will be
copied from the corresponding items of block 1 of listing schedule (Sch.0.0). The particulars to be recorded in
items 2, 3, 4 and 5 have already been printed in the schedule.
Block 2- Particulars of field operation: The identity of the Investigator, Assistant Superintendent and
Superintendent associated, date of survey/inspection/scrutiny of schedules, despatch, etc., will be recorded in
this block against the appropriate items in the relevant columns.
Block 3- Household characteristics: Characteristics which are mainly intended to be used to classify the
households for tabulation will be recorded in this block.
Block 4- Demographic and other particulars of household members: All members of the sample household
will be listed in this block. Demographic particulars (viz., relation to head, sex, age, marital status and general
education), nature of work, current weekly status, wage and salary earnings etc. will be recorded for each
member using one line for one member.
Block 5- Perception of household regarding sufficiency of food: This block will record information about perception
of households regarding sufficiency of food.
Block 6- Perceptions regarding some general aspects of farming: In this block some information regarding
perception of the farmer household about some general aspects of farming are to be recorded.
Block 7- Particulars of land possessed during Kharif/Rabi: This block is designed to record information regarding
the land on which farming activities are carried out by the farmer household during Kharif/Rabi.
Block 8- Area under irrigation during Kharif/Rabi: In this block information regarding the area under irrigation
during last 365 days for different crops will be recorded according to the source of irrigation.
Block 9- Some particulars of farming resources used for cultivation during Kharif / Rabi: Information regarding
farming resources used for cultivation during the last 365 days will be ascertained from the farmer households
and will be recorded in this block.
Block 10- Use of energy during last 365 days: This block will be filled in visit 1 only. Energy is one of the major
resources used extensively for farming and all other purposes. This block is designed to collect information on
different aspects of energy used for farming.
Block 11- Loans and other liabilities payable by the household as on the date of survey: This block will be filled in
visit 1 only. In this block, information will be collected in respect of all kind loans whether cash and kind subject to
the amount of Rs 300 for a loan/liability.
Block 12- Access to modern agricultural technology: This block is designed to record information on farmers'
access to modern agricultural technology.
Block 13- Purchase and sale of productive assets during July to December 2002/January to June 2003: This block
is meant for recording number of productive assets owned as on the date of survey and expenditure incurred for
purchase and/or major repair of such assets (if applicable) and income received from sale of these assets during
the reference period July to December 2002 for visit 1 schedule and January to June 2003 for visit 2.
Block 14- Expenses and receipts (in Rs) for cultivation during July to December 2002/January to June 2003: This
block is designed to collect information on expenses incurred towards cultivation and receipts obtained from
output and/or value of by products of the cultivated products.
Block 15- Expenses and receipts (in Rs) on farming of animals during last 30 days: This block will be used to
record the expenditure and receipts for livestock farming during the last 30 days.
Block 16- Expenses on non-farm business during last 30 days: In this block, expenses for running non-farm
business of the household will be collected.
Block 17- Receipts for non-farm business during last 30 days: In this block receipts for running non-farm business
of the household will be collected.
Block 18- Consumption of food, pan, tobacco and intoxicants: In this block information on consumption of some
broad groups of items of food, pan, tobacco and intoxicants for the household for a reference period of 30 days
preceding the date of survey will be collected.
Block 19- Consumption of clothing, footwear: In this block, information on value of consumption of all items of
clothing and footwear will be collected in whole number of rupees.
Blocks 20- Expenditure on education and medical (institutional) goods and services: Under this block, information
will be collected on educational and institutional medical expenses incurred during the last 365 days preceding
the date of survey.
Block 21- Expenditure on miscellaneous goods and services including medical (non-institutional), rents and taxes:
In this block, relating to miscellaneous goods and services, information will be collected on the expenditure for
purchase of these items during the reference period.
Block 22- Expenditure for purchase and construction (including repair and maintenance) of durable goods for
domestic use: Information on expenditure incurred for purchase and cost of raw materials and services for
construction and repairs of durable goods for domestic use during the last 365 days will be collected in this
Block 23- Remarks by investigator: The blank space provided in this block is meant for putting down remarks and
observations of the investigator.
Block 24- Remarks by supervisory officer(s): The blank space provided in this block is meant for putting down
remarks of the supervisory officer(s) during various stages of supervision and scrutiny.
Data Collectors
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation |
Field Office Division (NSSO) | FOD (NSSO) | Minstry of Statistics and PI, Govt. of India |
Field Office Division of NSSO, Ministry of Statistics and PI