India - Household Consumer Expenditure, NSS 60th Round, Schedule 1, January - June 2004
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-60Rnd-Sch1-Jan-June2004 |
Year | 2004 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 02, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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- Blocks 1,2_ Identifi
cation of sample hou
sehold - Block 3_Household Ch
aracteristics - Block 4_Person recor
ds - Block 5_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
cereals, pulses, mi
lk, sugar and salt - Block 6_Weekly consu
mption of edible oil
, egg, fish and meat
, vegetables, fruits
, spices, beverages
and processed food a
nd pan, tobacco and
intoxicants - Block 7_Monthly cons
umption of fuel &
; light - Block 8_Annual consu
mption of clothing - Block 9_Annual consu
mption of footwear - Block 10_Annual expe
nditure on education
and medical (instit
utional) goods and s
ervices - Block 11_Monthly exp
enditure on miscella
neous goods and serv
ices including medic
al (non-institutiona
l), rents and taxes - Block 12_Annual expe
nditure for purchase
and construction (i
ncluding repair and
maintenance) of dura
ble goods for domest
ic use
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Block 3_Household Characteristics
Content | This file contains information about household characteristics. |
Cases | 29631 |
Variable(s) | 48 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: HHID (Primary key - unique identifier for a household) |
Name | Label | Question | |
HHID | Primary key - unique identifier for a household | ||
CentreCodeRoundShift | Centre code,Round,Shift | ||
Vill_Blk_Slno | LOT/FSU number | ||
Round | Round | ||
ScheduleNumber | Schedule Number | ||
ScheduleType | Schedule Type | ||
Sample | Sample | ||
Sector | Sector | ||
St_Region | State-Region | ||
State | State | ||
District | District | ||
Stratum | Stratum Number | ||
SubRound | Sub-Round | ||
SubSample | Sub-Sample | ||
FODSubRegion | FOD Sub-Region | ||
HamletGroup_SubBlkNo | Hamlet-Group/Sub-Block no. | ||
Stage2_Stratum | Second Stage Stratum | ||
Hhold_no | HHS No. | ||
Lvl | Level | ||
B3_q1 | Household Size | How many members are there in the household? | |
B3_q2 | NIC Code(5-digit) | Which industry are the members working in? | |
B3_q3 | NCO Code(3-digit) | Which occupation are the members in? | |
B3_q4 | Household type | ||
HH_Type | Household type with sector | ||
B3_q5 | Religion | Which religion does the household belong to? | |
B3_q6 | Social Group | Which social group does the household belong to? | |
B3_q7 | Land Possessed | How much land does the household possess? | |
B3_q8 | Dwelling unit | Do you own the dwelling unit? Or is it hired or otherwise occupied? | |
B3_q9 | Type of Dwelling | What is the type of dwelling of the household? Is it an independent house or a flat or any other type of dwelling? | |
B3_q10 | Type of Structure | What is the type of structure of the dwelling? | |
B3_q11 | Covered Area | How much is the covered area of the dwelling unit? | |
B3_q12 | Cooking | What is the primary source of energy that is being used by the household for cooking? | |
B3_q13 | Lighting | What is the primary source of energy that is being used by the household for lighting? | |
B3_q14 | Hhld. Exp.-Purchase | How much did the household spend on purchases and other cash payments made for its members' needs during the last 30 days? | |
B3_q15 | Hhld. Exp.-Home-Produced Stock | Did the household members use any goods grown/produced by the household for their own consumption during the last 30 days? If so, how much? What was the estimated value of such goods consumed at ex farm/factory price? Goods may be cereals, pulses, vegetables, milk, firewood & chips, cow dung, footwear, clothes, etc. | |
B3_q16 | Hhld. Exp.-Receipts in Exchange | Whether the household consumed any goods and services which have been procured or received against some goods or services of the household during the last 30 days? What is the estimated value of these goods and services at local retail prices? | |
B3_q17 | Hhld. Exp.-Gifts and Loans | Whether any goods and services were procured by way of gift or loan for household consumption during the last 30 days? What is the estimated value of these items at local retail prices? These items may be items of food, pan, tobacco and intoxicants, fuel and light, clothing and footwear. | |
B3_q18 | Hhld. Exp.-Free Collection | Whether any item was procured by the household through free collection during the last 30 days for its consumption? What is the estimated value of these items at local retail prices? Normally, such items are firewood, cow dung, vegetables, honey or other forest products. | |
B3_q19 | Hhld. Exp.-Total | ||
B3_q20 | MPCE (Rs.0.00) | ||
B3_q21 | Performed any ceremony? | Did the household perform any ceremony during the last 30 days? | |
B3_q22 | No. of meals served to outsiders | How many no. of meals were served to non-household members during the last 30 days? | |
B3_q23 | Purchase from Ration etc. | Did the household purchase any cereal from ration/fair price shop during the last 30 days? | |
NSS | NSS | ||
NSC | NSC | ||
MLT | Multiplier | ||
Wgt_SubSample | Sub sample Multiplier | ||
Wgt_Combined | Combined Multiplier | ||
Total variable(s):
48 |