India - Household Consumer Expenditure: NSS 50th Round, Schedule 1, July 1993 - June 1994
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-50Rnd-Sch1.0-1993-94 |
Year | 1993 - 1994 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Aug 22, 2015
Last modified
Aug 22, 2015
Page views
- Blocks 1,2,3,10,11,1
2,13_Household chara
cteristics - Block 3pt3 - Househo
ld gift records - Block 4 - Person rec
ords - Block 5 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on food and non food
items - Block 6 - Household
expenditure on cloth
ing - Block 7 - Household
expenditure on footw
ear - Block 8 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on misc goods and se
rvices - Block 8pt1 - Househo
ld expenditure on ed
ucation and medical
goods and services - Block 9 - Household
expenditure on durab
le goods - Block 13 - Household
expenditure on cere
mony - Block 14 - Summary o
f household expendit
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Blocks 1,2,3,10,11,12,13_Household characteristics
Content | This data file contains records on household characteristics from various blocks. Blocks 0, 1 and 2 record identification of sample households and particulars of field operations. Household characteristics like, household size, principal industry-occupation, social group, land possessed and cultivated, use of hired labour, monthly per capita expenditure etc. have been recorded in block 3. Block 10 records the perception of household regarding sufficiency of food. Insurance particulars of the household during the last 365 days have been recorded in block 11. Particulars of dwelling unit have been recorded in block 12. Particulars of ceremonies performed and meals served by the household have been recorded in block 13. |
Cases | 115354 |
Variable(s) | 141 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: HHID (Primary key - unique identifier for a household) |
Producer | NSSO |
Name | Label | Question | |
HHID | Primary key - unique identifier for a household | ||
Rd_Sch | Round schedule | Round schedule | |
St_Region | State - region | State - Region | |
State | State | State | |
S_Sample | Sub - sample | Sub Sample "1''or "2" | |
Sample | Sample | Sample | |
Sector | Sector | Sector "1''or "2" | |
Stratum | Stratum | Stratum | |
S_Round | Sub round | Sub - round | |
FSU_Srl_No | FSU Serial No. | FSU Serial No. | |
Second_Stratum | Second Stage Stratum | Second Stage Stratum "1''or "2" | |
HH_No | Sample Household No. | Sample Household No. | |
Level | Level | ||
Month_Yr_Code | Month / Year Code | Month / Year Code | |
B4_q1 | Person Serial Number | Person Serial Number | |
B1_q14 | Survey Sequence | Survey Sequence | |
B1_q15 | Informants Relation to Head | What is your relationship to the head of the household? | |
Resp_Code | Response Code | Response Code | |
Survey_Code | Survey Code | Survey Code | |
Substn_Code | Reason of 1st Substitute | Reason of 1st Substitute | |
B2_q2 | Date of Survey DDMMYY | Date of Survey DDMMYY | |
B3_1_q1 | Household Size | How many members are there in the household? | |
B3_1_q2a | Industry Occupation Code | Which industry are you working in? | |
B3_1_q2b | Occupation Code | Which occupation are you in? | |
B3_1_q3 | Type Code | ||
HH_Type | Household type with sector | ||
B3_1_q4 | Religion Code | What is your religion? | |
B3_1_q5 | Social Group Code | Which social group do you belong to? | |
B3_1_q6 | Whether owns any land | Does the household own any land? | |
B3_1_q7 | Type of land owned | What type of land do you own? | |
B3_1_q8 | Land owned | How much area of land is owned by the household in terms of (0.00) hectares? | |
B3_1_q9 | Land leased in | How much area of land is leased in by the household in terms of (0.00) hectares? | |
B3_1_q10 | Land neither owned nor leased in | How much area of land is neither owned nor leased in by the household in terms of (0.00) hectares? | |
B3_1_q11 | Land leased out | How much area of land is leased out by the household in terms of (0.00) hectares? | |
B3_1_q12 | Total Land Possessed | ||
B3_1_q13 | Cultivated Land Owned | How much area of cultivated land is owned by the household in terms of (0.00) hectares? | |
B3_1_q14 | Cultivated Land Leased in | How much area of cultivated land is leased in by the household in terms of (0.00) hectares? | |
B3_1_q15 | Cultivated Land Neither Owned Nor Leased In | How much area of cultivated land is neither owned nor leased in by the household in terms of (0.00) hectares? | |
B3_1_q16 | Total Cultivated Land | ||
B3_1_q17 | Land Irrigated | How much net area of land is irrigated out of the cultivated land owned by the household in terms of (0.00) hectares? | |
B3_1_q18 | Crop Production Code | Does the household use hired labour for crop production? | |
B3_1_q19 | Other Production Enterprise Code | Does the household use hired labour for other productive enterprise? | |
B3_1_q20 | Per Capita Expenditure Last Month (Rs.0.00) | ||
B3_1_q21 | Cooking Code | What is the primary source of energy that is being used by the household for cooking? | |
B3_1_q22 | Lighting Code | What is the primary source of energy that is being used by the household for lighting? | |
B3_2_q1_1 | Did household grow rice? | During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate rice? | |
B3_2_q1_2 | Did household grow wheat? | During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate wheat? | |
B3_2_q1_3 | Did household grow jowar? | During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate jowar? | |
B3_2_q1_4 | Did household grow bajra? | During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate bajra? | |
B3_2_q1_5 | Did household grow maize? | During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate maize? | |
B3_2_q1_6 | Did household grow barley? | During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate barley? | |
B3_2_q1_7 | Did household grow ragi? | During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate ragi? | |
B3_2_q1_8 | Did household grow gram? | During the last agricultural year did the household grow/cultivate gram? | |
B3_2_q2 | Did any member work for 60 days | Did any number of the household work for at least 60 days on public works during last 365 days? | |
B3_2_q3_1 | HH Recd Any Income from Cultivation | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from cultivation? | |
B3_2_q3_2 | HH Recd Any Income from Fishing other | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from fishing? | |
B3_2_q3_3 | HH Recd Any Income from wage salaried enterprise | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from wage, salaried enterprise? | |
B3_2_q3_4 | HH Recd Any Income from non agricultural enterprise | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from non agricultural enterprise? | |
B3_2_q3_5 | HH Recd Any Income from Pension | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from pension? | |
B3_2_q3_6 | HH Recd Any Income from Remittance | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from remittance? | |
B3_2_q3_7 | HH Recd Any Income from Interest & Dividends | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from interest & dividends? | |
B3_2_q3_8 | HH Recd Any Income from Others | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from others? | |
B3_2_q4 | HH Recd Any Income from Milch animals | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from milch animals? | |
B3_2_q5 | HH Recd Any Income from Draught Animals | During preceding 365 days did the household receive any income from draught animals? | |
B3_2_q6 | HH Recd Any Income from Assistance from IRDP | Did the household receive any assistance during the last 5 years from IRDP? | |
B3_2_q7 | HH Recd Any Income from Ration Fair Price Shop | Did the household purchase any commodity from ration/fair price shop during last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q8_1 | Do you consume - Bananas ? | Did the member of the household consume bananas during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q8_2 | Do you consume - Mangoes? | Did the member of the household consume mangoes during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q8_3 | Do you consume - Citrus fruits? | Did the member of the household consume any citrus fruit during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q8_4 | Do you consume - Apples? | Did the member of the household consume apples during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q8_5 | Do you consume - Grapes? | Did the member of the household consume grapes during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q8_6 | Do you consume - Guavas? | Did the member of the household consume guavas during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q9_1 | Journey By Train for Work | Did any member of the household make a journey by train for work during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q9_2 | Journey By Train for Education | Did any member of the household make a journey by train for education during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q9_3 | Journey By Train for other non economic activity | Did any member of the household make a journey by train for any other non-economic activity during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q9_4 | Journey By Bus for Work | Did any member of the household make a journey by bus for work during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q9_5 | Journey By Bus for Education | Did any member of the household make a journey by bus for education during the last 30 days? | |
B3_2_q9_6 | Journey By Bus for other non economic activity | Did any member of the household make a journey by bus for other non-economic activity during the last 30 days? | |
B10_q1 | Do all members get two square meals? | Do all members usually get two square meals? | |
B10_q2_1 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_2 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_3 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_4 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_5 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_6 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_7 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_8 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_9 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_10 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_11 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q2_12 | Which month did the household not get enough food? | Which month did the household not get enough food? | |
B10_q3 | Whether Item_63 (Do all members get two square meals?) actually asked from the informant | Whether the question "Do all members get two square meals?" was actually asked from the informant? | |
B11_Ins_Type_1 | Insurance Type | Which type of insurance policy has been made by the household in the last year? | |
B11_Yrly_Prem_1 | Yearly premium | How much yearly premium do you pay on account of the insurance policy? | |
B11_Ins_Type_2 | Insurance Type | Which type of insurance policy has been made by the household in the last year? | |
B11_Yrly_Prem_2 | Yearly premium | How much yearly premium do you pay on account of the insurance policy? | |
B11_Ins_Type_3 | Insurance Type | Which type of insurance policy has been made by the household in the last year? | |
B11_Yrly_Prem_3 | Yearly premium | How much yearly premium do you pay on account of the insurance policy? | |
B11_Ins_Type_4 | Insurance Type | Which type of insurance policy has been made by the household in the last year? | |
B11_Yrly_Prem_4 | Yearly premium | How much yearly premium do you pay on account of the insurance policy? | |
Total variable(s):
141 |