India - Employment and Unemployment Survey: NSS 62nd Round, Schedule 10, July 2005 - June 2006
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-62nd-Sch10-2005-06 |
Year | 2005 - 2006 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 03, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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Data Description
Data File: Block-3-Household-Characteristics-records
Content | This data set contains certain household characteristics, such as, household size, household type, religion, social-group, household industry, household occupation, land possessed, type of ration card possessed, monthly household consumer expenditure, etc. recorded in Block-3 of of schedule. |
Cases | 78879 |
Variable(s) | 39 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Hhold_key (Key to locate househol) |
Producer | NSSO |
Name | Label | Question | |
Level | Record Type | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Hhold_key | Key to locate househol | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
C_R_S | Centre code,Round and Shift | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Round | Round | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
SchNo | Schedule Number | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Sample | Sample | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Sector | Sector | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
State | State | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Region | Region | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
District | District | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Stratum | Stratum | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
SubStratum | Sub-Stratum no. | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
SubRound | Sub-Round | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Subsample | Sub-sample | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
SubRegion | FOD-Sub-Region | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
FSU | FSU Serial No. | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Segment | Segment no. | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
stage2stratum | Second-stage-stratum no. | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
Hhhld_SlNo | Sample hhld. No. | As given against corresponding items in Block-1-2 dataset | |
B3_q1 | HH Size | HouseHold Size | |
B3_q2 | NIC Code(5-digit) | Principal Industry NIC-2004 Code(5-digit) | |
B3_q3 | NCO Code(3-digit) | Principal Occupation NCO-1968 Code(3-digit) | |
B3_q4 | HH type | Household Type(code) | |
B3_q5 | Religion | Religion(code) | |
B3_q6 | Social Group | Social Group(code) | |
B3_q7 | Land possessed code | Land possessed as on date of survey (code) | |
B3_q8 | Ration card? | Does the household possessnany ration card? | |
B3_q9 | Type of ration card code | For entry 1 in Item 8 type of ration card (code) | |
B3_q10 | Hhld. Cons.exp. -Purchase | Household Consumer expenditure(Rs) during last 30 days out of :Purchase | |
B3_q11 | Hhld. Cons.exp. -Home produce | Household Consumer expenditure(Rs) during last 30 days out of --Home produce | |
B3_q12 | Hhld. Cons.exp. -Receipts | Household Consumer expenditure(Rs) during last 30 days out of -Receipts | |
B3_q13 | Hhld. Cons.exp. - Gifts and loans | Household Consumer expenditure(Rs) during last 30 days out of - Gifts and loans | |
B3_q14 | Hhld. Cons.exp. -Free collection | Household Consumer expenditure(Rs) during last 30 days out of - -Free collection | |
B3_q15 | Hhld. Cons.exp. - Total | Household Consumer expenditure(Rs) during last 30 days : TOTAL | |
NSS | NSS | ||
NSC | NSC | ||
WGT | Multiplier | ||
WGT_SS | Multiplier SubSample-wise(0.00) | ||
WGT_Comb | Multiplier Combined SubSample(0.00) | ||
Total variable(s):
39 |