India - Service Sector: NSS 63rd Round, Schedule 2.345, July 2006 - June 2007
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-63rd-Sch2.345-US-2006 |
Year | 2006 - 2007 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and PI - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Aug 03, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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Item code
File: bk_7_8
File: bk_7_8
Discrete Format: character Width: 3 | Valid cases: 712301 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Value | Category | Cases | |
701 | Did the list frame company have branch office? (1=yes/2=no) 228 0.0% | 228 | ![]() |
702 | Female, full time, working owner 19993 2.8% | 19993 | ![]() |
703 | Female, full time, hired worker 9744 1.4% | 9744 | ![]() |
704 | Female, full time, other worker / helper 11214 1.6% | 11214 | ![]() |
705 | Female, part time, working owner 7690 1.1% | 7690 | ![]() |
706 | Female, part time, hired worker 1758 0.2% | 1758 | ![]() |
707 | Female, part time, other worker / helper 9787 1.4% | 9787 | ![]() |
711 | Male, full time, working owner 153903 21.6% | 153903 | ![]() |
712 | Male, full time, hired worker 35619 5.0% | 35619 | ![]() |
713 | Male, full time, other worker / helper 16304 2.3% | 16304 | ![]() |
714 | Male, part time, working owner 9115 1.3% | 9115 | ![]() |
715 | Male, part time, hired worker 3058 0.4% | 3058 | ![]() |
716 | Male, part time, other worker / helper 6492 0.9% | 6492 | ![]() |
719 | Total (items 702 to 716) 190274 26.7% | 190274 | ![]() |
721 | No workers of this enterprise who also work in other EFPs of the working owner | 14278 | ![]() |
722 | No workers of this enterprise who also work in other EFPs of the working owner having the same activity | 3416 | ![]() |
801 | Salary/ wages, allowances and other individual benefits -working owners | 33117 | ![]() |
802 | Salary/ wages, allowances and other individual benefits - hired workers | 42435 | ![]() |
803 | Imputed value of group benefits - working owners 33047 4.6% | 33047 | ![]() |
804 | Imputed value of group benefits - hired workers 14554 2.0% | 14554 | ![]() |
809 | Total emoluments (items 801 to 804) | 96275 | ![]() |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
Item 701: Did the list frame company have branch office? : The term ‘branch’ has been explained in 3.0.5. Note that franchisee outlets are not branches of a company. If any list frame company has office located in at least one place more than the frame-address of the company, then the entry against this item will be ‘1’. Otherwise entry will be ‘2’. If entry is ‘1’, block 7.1 also will be filled.
Worker: Definition of worker is already given in 3.0.6. The reference period for this block will also be same as the one used for block 3/ 6 as the case may be.
Few common instructions for filling up items 702 to 716
- entries may be done first for the females, followed by males.
- Working owner, hired worker, other workers can be either full-time or part-time according to the definitions given in 3.0.6.
- For seasonal enterprises who have worked for less than 30 days in the current season, if figures are recorded orally, average number of workers will be calculated based on number of working months.
- Generally, for any enterprise, there will be at least one worker.
Items 702, 705, 711, 714: Working owner: In case of proprietary or partnership enterprises, only owners who personally work in the enterprise will be considered for calculation of working owner.
- For full-time female/male working owner, item 702/ item 711 will be positive.
- For part-time female/male working owner, item 705/ item 714 will be positive.
Items 703 706, 712, 715: Hired worker: Detailed definition and guidelines on hired workers are already available in paragraph 3.0.6. Apprentices, paid or unpaid, are to be treated as hired workers. Paid household workers, servants and resident workers of the enterprise are also to be considered as hired workers for the purpose of making entry against this item.
- For full-time female/male hired worker, item 703/ item 712 will be positive.
- For part-time female/male hired worker, item 706/ item 715 will be positive.
Items 704, 707, 713, 716: other worker/ helper: Information regarding the workers not covered in items mentioned in above two paragraphs shall be recorded against this item. This includes all persons belonging to the household of the proprietor or households of the partners who are working in or for the enterprise without regular salary or wages. Persons working as exchange labourer in the enterprise without salary or wages will also be covered in this category. All unpaid household workers/ helpers who are associated with the activities of the enterprise during the reference period will be considered for recording entries against these items.
- For female/ male full-time other workers, Item 704/ item 713 will be positive.
- For female/ male part-time other workers, item 707/ item 716 will be positive.
Item 719: Total workers: The entry is the sum of all the entries from items 702 to 716. For list frame companies, entry in item 719 should also be equal to total of column 5 of block 7.1.
Item 721: If entry in item 215 is 2 or more, total number of workers of the surveyed enterprise who is also working in other enterprise of the owner will be reported here.
Item 722: If entry in item 216 is 2 or more, total number of workers of the surveyed enterprise who is also working in other enterprise of the owner with same major activity at 2-digit level of NIC-04 will be reported here.
e.g.- A doctor (D) is having 2 chambers ( c1 and c2) and a tutorial. 2 persons (A and B) are working in the tutorial.
One more person (C), other than the doctor, is working in all the three places. One man (B) also works in the chamber c1 of that doctor. Suppose, c1, c2 and tutorial are separate enterprises. Then the entries will be:
Item no. | Chamber c1 | Chamber c2 | Tutorial
215 | 3 (c1, c2, tutorial) | 3 (c1, c2, tutorial) | 3 (c1, c2, tutorial)
216 | 2 (c1, c2) | 2 (c1, c2) | 0
719 | 3(D + B +C) | 2 (D + C) | 4 (D +A+ B + C)
721 | 3(D + B +C) | 2 (D + C) | 3 (D + B + C)
722 | 2(D + C) | 2 (D + C) | 0
Items 801 and 802: Salary/wages, allowances and other individual benefits (cash & kind): Salaries/ wages
payable for the reference period will be recorded first for the working owners and then for the hired workers in these items. This will include:-
1) stipulated pay, other allowances like dearness, house-rent, over-time, shift allowance, etc.
2) regular payments in kind as salary or wages or as a part of salary or wages, evaluated at cost to the employer,
3) bonus, retirement benefits, other individual benefits like ex-gratia payment, employer’s contribution to ESIC fund, provident fund, etc., apportioned for the reference period.
- Payments of type (3) above are generally made once in six months or once in a year or at the time of retirement.
For these kinds of one-time payment the apportioned amount for the reference period will be included. Suppose an enterprise paid Rs.24000 as gratuity to its employees during one year and the reference period for data collection is a month. Then, Rs.24000 ÷ 12 = Rs.2000 will be recorded.
-Compensations made to working owners will be recorded separately in item 801 followed by payments to hired workers in item 802.
- In the books of accounts, PF administration charges are generally separately available. This is not a part of
compensation to workers. Hence, this item will not be recorded in item 801. This administration charges will be recorded in item 352.
Items 803 and 804: Imputed value of group benefits (including employer’s contribution towards canteen, sports, insurance, etc.): This includes expenses (net cost to the enterprise) made by the employer to provide amenities and benefits in kind to workers as a whole, either free of cost or at subsidised rates. It includes: (i) Provision of canteen, crèches, sports & recreation clubs, dispensary, etc.
(ii) Provision of food, beverages, tobacco, uniforms, lodging, transport to office and back & other kind benefits.
- Apportioned values of these group benefits may be recorded, e.g., for reference period, divide the yearly figure by number of months operated.
- Group benefits derived by working owner will be recorded separately in 803. If it is for the hired or other workers, then entry will be in item 804.
Item 809: Total emoluments: Total of items 801 to 804, the total emoluments payable to all the workers for the reference period shall be recorded here.
While making entry in block 8, and more importantly, during scrutiny, it has to be ensured that the links between blocks 7 and 8 exist. For example, if hired worker is reported in block 7, there must be entry in item 802 and viceversa.
Worker: Definition of worker is already given in 3.0.6. The reference period for this block will also be same as the one used for block 3/ 6 as the case may be.
Few common instructions for filling up items 702 to 716
- entries may be done first for the females, followed by males.
- Working owner, hired worker, other workers can be either full-time or part-time according to the definitions given in 3.0.6.
- For seasonal enterprises who have worked for less than 30 days in the current season, if figures are recorded orally, average number of workers will be calculated based on number of working months.
- Generally, for any enterprise, there will be at least one worker.
Items 702, 705, 711, 714: Working owner: In case of proprietary or partnership enterprises, only owners who personally work in the enterprise will be considered for calculation of working owner.
- For full-time female/male working owner, item 702/ item 711 will be positive.
- For part-time female/male working owner, item 705/ item 714 will be positive.
Items 703 706, 712, 715: Hired worker: Detailed definition and guidelines on hired workers are already available in paragraph 3.0.6. Apprentices, paid or unpaid, are to be treated as hired workers. Paid household workers, servants and resident workers of the enterprise are also to be considered as hired workers for the purpose of making entry against this item.
- For full-time female/male hired worker, item 703/ item 712 will be positive.
- For part-time female/male hired worker, item 706/ item 715 will be positive.
Items 704, 707, 713, 716: other worker/ helper: Information regarding the workers not covered in items mentioned in above two paragraphs shall be recorded against this item. This includes all persons belonging to the household of the proprietor or households of the partners who are working in or for the enterprise without regular salary or wages. Persons working as exchange labourer in the enterprise without salary or wages will also be covered in this category. All unpaid household workers/ helpers who are associated with the activities of the enterprise during the reference period will be considered for recording entries against these items.
- For female/ male full-time other workers, Item 704/ item 713 will be positive.
- For female/ male part-time other workers, item 707/ item 716 will be positive.
Item 719: Total workers: The entry is the sum of all the entries from items 702 to 716. For list frame companies, entry in item 719 should also be equal to total of column 5 of block 7.1.
Item 721: If entry in item 215 is 2 or more, total number of workers of the surveyed enterprise who is also working in other enterprise of the owner will be reported here.
Item 722: If entry in item 216 is 2 or more, total number of workers of the surveyed enterprise who is also working in other enterprise of the owner with same major activity at 2-digit level of NIC-04 will be reported here.
e.g.- A doctor (D) is having 2 chambers ( c1 and c2) and a tutorial. 2 persons (A and B) are working in the tutorial.
One more person (C), other than the doctor, is working in all the three places. One man (B) also works in the chamber c1 of that doctor. Suppose, c1, c2 and tutorial are separate enterprises. Then the entries will be:
Item no. | Chamber c1 | Chamber c2 | Tutorial
215 | 3 (c1, c2, tutorial) | 3 (c1, c2, tutorial) | 3 (c1, c2, tutorial)
216 | 2 (c1, c2) | 2 (c1, c2) | 0
719 | 3(D + B +C) | 2 (D + C) | 4 (D +A+ B + C)
721 | 3(D + B +C) | 2 (D + C) | 3 (D + B + C)
722 | 2(D + C) | 2 (D + C) | 0
Items 801 and 802: Salary/wages, allowances and other individual benefits (cash & kind): Salaries/ wages
payable for the reference period will be recorded first for the working owners and then for the hired workers in these items. This will include:-
1) stipulated pay, other allowances like dearness, house-rent, over-time, shift allowance, etc.
2) regular payments in kind as salary or wages or as a part of salary or wages, evaluated at cost to the employer,
3) bonus, retirement benefits, other individual benefits like ex-gratia payment, employer’s contribution to ESIC fund, provident fund, etc., apportioned for the reference period.
- Payments of type (3) above are generally made once in six months or once in a year or at the time of retirement.
For these kinds of one-time payment the apportioned amount for the reference period will be included. Suppose an enterprise paid Rs.24000 as gratuity to its employees during one year and the reference period for data collection is a month. Then, Rs.24000 ÷ 12 = Rs.2000 will be recorded.
-Compensations made to working owners will be recorded separately in item 801 followed by payments to hired workers in item 802.
- In the books of accounts, PF administration charges are generally separately available. This is not a part of
compensation to workers. Hence, this item will not be recorded in item 801. This administration charges will be recorded in item 352.
Items 803 and 804: Imputed value of group benefits (including employer’s contribution towards canteen, sports, insurance, etc.): This includes expenses (net cost to the enterprise) made by the employer to provide amenities and benefits in kind to workers as a whole, either free of cost or at subsidised rates. It includes: (i) Provision of canteen, crèches, sports & recreation clubs, dispensary, etc.
(ii) Provision of food, beverages, tobacco, uniforms, lodging, transport to office and back & other kind benefits.
- Apportioned values of these group benefits may be recorded, e.g., for reference period, divide the yearly figure by number of months operated.
- Group benefits derived by working owner will be recorded separately in 803. If it is for the hired or other workers, then entry will be in item 804.
Item 809: Total emoluments: Total of items 801 to 804, the total emoluments payable to all the workers for the reference period shall be recorded here.
While making entry in block 8, and more importantly, during scrutiny, it has to be ensured that the links between blocks 7 and 8 exist. For example, if hired worker is reported in block 7, there must be entry in item 802 and viceversa.