India - Housing Condition Survey: NSS 65th Round, Schedule 1.2, July 2008- June 2009
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-65Rnd-Sch1dot2-2008-09 |
Year | 2008 - 2009 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 03, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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Data Description
Data File: Block-3-Household characteristics records
Content | This dataset consist of information relating to household characteristics like household size, gender of the head of the household, principal industry and occupation, religion, social group, household type, tenurial status of dwelling, land possessed, area type in which the dwelling unit is located, maximum distance to the place of work normally travelled by any earner of the household, monthly per capita consumer expenditure, etc. |
Cases | 153518 |
Variable(s) | 42 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: Key_hhold (Key to locate Hhold) |
Producer | NSSO |
Name | Label | Question | |
Key_hhold | Key to locate Hhold | ||
Rec_Id | Record_Identifier | ||
Round | Round | ||
Sch_no | Schedule Number | ||
Sample | Sample | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
SubRound | Sub-Round | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
SubSample | Sub-Sample | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
Sector | Sector | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
State | State | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
Region | Region | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
FODSub_Region | FOD Sub-Region | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
District | District | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
Stratum | Stratum | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
Sub_Stratum | Sub-Stratum(urban only) | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
FSU | FSU Serial number | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
Hg_sb_no | hg/ sb Number | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
Stage2Stratum | Second Stage Stratum no. | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
Hhold_No | Household No. | Same as given in dataset of Block-1_2 | |
B3_q1 | Hh size-Male | Household size-Male | |
B3_q2 | Hh size-Female | Household size-female | |
B3_q3 | Hh size- Total | Household size-Total | |
B3_q4 | Gender of the head | Gender of the head of the household | |
B3_q5 | NIC-2004 | Principal industry (NIC-2004) | |
B3_q6 | NCO-2004 | Principal occupation (NCO-2004) | |
B3_q7 | Hh type | Household type | |
B3_q8 | Religion | Religion | |
B3_q9 | Social group | Social group | |
B3_q10 | Land possessed | Land possessed as on date of survey(code) | |
B3_q11 | Tenurial status | Tenurial status of dwelling | |
B3_q12 | Area type | If entry 1 to 5 or 9 in item 11, area type in which the dwelling unit is located | |
B3_q13 | Max distance to the place of work | Maximum distance to the place of work normally travelled by any earner of the household (code) | |
B3_q14 | Purchase (Rs.) | Household consumer expenditure during last 30 days out of :-Purchase (Rs.) | |
B3_q15 | Home produced (Rs.) | Household consumer expenditure during last 30 days out of :-Home produced (Rs.) | |
B3_q16 | Exchange of goods & services (Rs.) | Household consumer expenditure during last 30 days out of :-Exchange of goods & services (Rs.) | |
B3_q17 | Gifts & loans (Rs.) | Household consumer expenditure during last 30 days out of :-Gifts & loans (Rs.) | |
B3_q18 | Free collection (Rs.) | Household consumer expenditure during last 30 days out of :-Free collection (Rs.) | |
B3_q19 | Total (items 14 to 18) (Rs.) | Household consumer expenditure during last 30 days Total (items 14 to 18) (Rs.) | |
Wgt_SS | Multiplier Sub-sample-wise | ||
Wgt_combined | Multiplier Combined | ||
nss | Sub-sample NS | ||
nsc | Combined NC | ||
wgt_posted | SS multiplier posted | ||
Total variable(s):
42 |