India - Employment and Unemployment : NSS 66th round, Schedule 10, July 2009 - June 2010
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-66-10-2011 |
Year | 2009 - 2010 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) | |
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Created on
Aug 04, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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ID Number DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-66-10-2011 |
Version Description
The Employment and Unemployment surveys of National sample Survey (NSS) are primary sources of data on various indicators of labour force at National and State levels. These are used for planning, policy formulation, decision support and as input for further statistical exercises by various Government organizations, academicians, researchers and scholars. NSS surveys on employment and un-employment with large sample size of households have been conducted quinquennially from 27th. round(October'1972 - September'1973) onwards. The NSS 66th. round carried out during July'2009 - June'2010 was the eighth quinquennial round in the series covering subjects of (i) Household Consumer Expenditure and (ii) Employment and Unemployment.Field work of the survey is carried out by the Field Operation Division ( FOD ) of National Sample Survey Office ( NSSO ) in which the central samples are covered. most of the State Governments also participate in the survey on matching sample size basis.
The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) during the period July 2009 - June 2010 carried out an all-India household survey on the subject of employment and unemployment in India as a part of 66th round of its survey programme. In this survey, the nation-wide enquiry was conducted to generate estimates of various characteristics pertaining to employment and unemployment and labour force characteristics at the national and State levels. Information on various facets of employment and unemployment in India was collected through a schedule of enquiry (Schedule 10) adopting the established concepts, definitions and procedures. Based on the data collected during the entire period of survey, estimates of some key employment-unemployment characteristics in India and States have been presented in the NSSO published report number NSS KI (66/10) on Key Indicators of Employment and Unemployment July'2009 - June'2010 ( 66th Round).
The main objective of the employment-unemployment surveys conducted by NSSO at periodic interval is to get estimates of level parameters of various employment and unemployment characteristics at national and State level. These statistical indicators on labour market are required for planning, policy and decision making at various levels, both within the government and outside. The critical issues in the context of labour force
enquiries pertain to defining the labour force and measuring participation of labour force in different economic activities. The activity participation of the people is not only dynamic but also multidimensional: it varies with region, age, education, gender, level of living, industry and occupational category. These aspects of the labour force are captured in detail in the NSS survey on employment and unemployment and estimates are generated for labour force participation rate, worker population ratio, unemployment rate, wages of employees, etc. The indicators of the structural aspects of the workforce such as status in employment, industrial distribution and occupational distribution are also derived from the survey. Besides, from the data collected on the particulars of enterprises and conditions of employment, the aspects of employment in the informal sector and informal
employment are reflected through the conceptual framework of the survey.
Kind of Data
Sample survey data [ssd]Units of Analysis
Households and personsScope
The critical issues in the context of labour force enquiries pertain to defining the labour force and measuring participation of labour force in different economic activities. The activity participation of the people is not only dynamic but also multidimensional; it varies over regions, age, education, gender, industry and occupational categories. In NSS surveys, persons are classified into various activity categories on the basis of activities pursued by them during certain specified reference periods. Three reference periods are used in NSS surveys, viz. (i) one year, (ii) one week and (iii) each day of the reference week. Based on these three periods, three different measures of activity status are arrivedat. The activity status determined on the basis of the reference period of one year is known as the usual activity status (US) of a person, that determined on the basis of a reference period of one week is known as the current weekly status (CWS) of the person and the activity status determined on the basis of the engagement on each day during the reference week is known as the current daily status (CDS) of the person.
Geographical coverage: The survey covered the whole of the Indian Union except (i) interior villages of Nagaland situated beyond five kilometres of the bus route and (ii) villages in Andaman and Nicobar Islands which remained inaccessible throughout the year. However, all the sample first stage units of both rural and urban areas of Leh, Kargil and Poonch districts of Jammu & Kashmir became casualty and therefore these districts were outside the survey coverage.
Sub-round: The fieldwork of the 66th round of NSSO started from 1st July, 2009 and continued till 30th June, 2010. As usual, the survey period of this round was divided into four sub-rounds, each with a duration of three months, the 1st sub-round period ranging from July to September 2009, the 2nd sub-round period from October to December 2009 and so on. An equal number of sample villages/blocks (FSUs) was allotted for survey in each of these four sub-rounds. The survey used the interview method of data collection from a sample of randomly selected households.
Out of the total number of 12,808 FSUs (7,524 villages and 5,284 urban blocks) allotted for the central sample2 (including 24 state sample FSUs of Leh and Kargil districts of J & K: 16 for rural sector and 8 for urban sector), 12,654 FSUs (7,402 villages and 5,252 urban blocks) could be surveyed at the all-India level for canvassing Schedule 10.
The number of households surveyed was 1,00,957 (59,129 in rural areas and 41,828 in urban areas) and number of persons surveyed was 4,59,784 (2,81,327 in rural areas and 1,78,457 in urban areas).
In NSS 66th round, data on employment-unemployment characteristics were collected through Schedule 10. The schedule captured a range of information on the following aspects:
i) Household characteristics, like household size, religion, social group, land possessed, land cultivated, etc. For the rural households information was collected, on whether the household has Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREG) job card, whether got work in MGNREG works during the last 365 days, number of days got work in MGNREG works and mode of payment of the wages earned in MGNREG works. Information on household monthly consumer expenditure was also collected through a worksheet to study the employment-unemployment characteristics with the level of living of the population.
ii) Demographic particulars, like age, sex, educational level, status of current attendance and vocational training.
iii) Usual principal activity status and subsidiary economic activity status of the all persons.
iv) Particulars of the enterprise for all the usual status workers (excluding those engaged in growing of crops and growing of crops combined with farming of animals) viz., location of work place, type of enterprises, number of workers in the enterprise etc. and some particulars on the conditions of employment for the employees, like type of job contract, eligibility for paid leave, availability of social security benefits, etc.
For self-employed persons in the usual status, some particulars were collected for identification of home-based workers.
v) Extent of underutilization of the labour time and on the qualitative aspects of employment, like changes in activity status, occupation /industry, existence of trade unions/associations, nature of employment (permanent/temporary), etc.
vi) Participation in specified activities by the household members who are classified as engaged in domestic duties in the usual principal activity status
Employment and Unemployment, Indebtedness of rural labour, Usual Subsidiary economic activity, Unemloyed persons on all the 7 days of the week, Change of establishment, Round no 66th, Schedule 10, July 2009 - June 2010Coverage
Geographic Coverage
The survey covered the whole of the Indian Union except (i) interior villages of Nagaland situated beyond five kilometres of the bus route and (ii) villages in Andaman and Nicobar Islands which remained inaccessible throughout the year. However, all the sample first stage units of both rural and urban areas of Leh, Kargil and Poonch districts of Jammu & Kashmir became casualty and therefore these districts were outside the survey coverage.Universe
Households and members of the householdProducers and Sponsors
Primary Investigator(s)
Name | Affiliation |
National Sample Survey Office | NSSO |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
Govt. of India | ||
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation |
Metadata Production
Metadata Produced By
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Computer Centre | CC | C |
Date of Metadata Production
2011-07-29DDI Document Version
DD-IND-CC-NSSO-2011DDI Document ID