India - Survey on Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction): NSS 67th Round, Schedule 2.34, July 2010 - June 2011
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-67Rnd-Sch2dot34-2010-11 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 04, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
Page views
- Block-1-Identificati
on of sample enterpr
ise-Records - Block-2-particulars
of operation and bac
kground information
of enterprises-recor
ds - Block-2dot1- Activit
ies pursued by enter
prises-records - Block-3-Principal ex
penses of enterprise
s - Block-4-Other operat
ing expenses-records - Bloxk-5-- Principal
receipts-records - Block-6 and7 -other
receipts-gross value
added-records - Block-8-Employment p
articulars-records - Block-9-Compensation
to workers-records - Block-10-Fixed asset
s-records - Block-11-loan outsta
nding-records - Block-12-factor inco
mes-records - Block-13-Use of ICT-
records - Block-14-field opera
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block-1-Identification of sample enterprise-Records | This data set consists of identification of Sample Enterprise/ Establishment | 334474 | 26 |
Block-2-particulars of operation and background information of enterprises-records | This data set contains some basic information about the nature and working of the enterprises. | 334474 | 61 |
Block-2dot1- Activities pursued by enterprises-records | This dataset consists of activities pursued by the enterprise during the reference period: | 334472 | 33 |
Block-3-Principal expenses of enterprises | This dataset consists of principal expenses for 11 types of activities. | 997841 | 26 |
Block-4-Other operating expenses-records | This dataset consists of operating expenses not covered in dataset of block 3 for 11 types of activities as well as rentire operating expenses for service enterprises not covered under block 3. | 2200287 | 25 |
Bloxk-5-- Principal receipts-records | This dataset contains principal receipts in respect of specified activities corresponding to which the principal expenses have already been recorded in dataset of block-3 | 1281452 | 26 |
Block-6 and7 -other receipts-gross value added-records | This dataset cinsists of data from Block-6 and 7 as given blow:- Block-6 data consists of receipts not covered inrespect of specific activities mentioned in the eleven sub- blocks of block 5 dataset as well as principal and incidental receipts for all other service enterprises such as community, social and personal services, etc. Block-7 data contains transfer entries from blocks 5, 6, and 3, 4 as well as distributive expenses (includes excise duties, sales tax, non-deductible vat, outward freight and transport charges, commission to selling agents etc.) | 1357005 | 26 |
Block-8-Employment particulars-records | Employment particulars of the enterprises during the reference month can be found in this dataset | 865286 | 29 |
Block-9-Compensation to workers-records | This dataset consists of Regular payments to the individual workers as salary / wages, bonus etc. in cash or kind or both and also payments paid in kind to a group or to all the workers of the enterprise | 450704 | 25 |
Block-10-Fixed assets-records | This dataset consisits of particulars of fixed assets owned and hired by the enterprise | 1261956 | 29 |
Block-11-loan outstanding-records | Content of this dataset is Loan outstanding of the enterprises as on the last date of the reference year. | 71178 | 26 |
Block-12-factor incomes-records | This data set consists of factor incomes of the enterprise during last 30 days / last calendar month. | 932016 | 26 |
Block-13-Use of ICT-records | This dataset consists of particulars of use of information and communication technology (ICT) by the enterprises during last 365 days / last year. | 334383 | 46 |
Block-14-field operations-records | Particulars of field operation contained in this dataset | 334441 | 29 |