India - Employment and Unemployment : NSS 68th round, Schedule 10, July 2011- June 2012
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-68-10-2013 |
Year | 2009 - 2010 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Aug 04, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
Page views
- Block_1_2_Identifica
tion of sample house
hold and particulars
of field operation - Block_3_Household ch
aracteristics - Block_4_Demographic
particulars of house
hold members - Block_5_1_Usual prin
cipal activity parti
culars of household
members - Block_5_2_Usual subs
idiary economic acti
vity particulars of
household members - Block_5_3_Time dispo
sition during the we
ek ended on ........
...... - Block_6_Follow-up qu
estions on availabil
ity for work, existe
nce of union or asso
ciation and nature o
f employment for per
sons working in the
usual principal or s
ubsidiary status - Block_7_Follow-up qu
estions for persons
with usual principal
activity status cod
e 92 or 93 in col. 3
of bl. 5 - Block_8_Household co
nsumer expenditure
Whether worked in MGNREG works
Whether worked in MGNREG works
Whether worked in MGNREG works(MGNREG_work)
File: Block_4_Demographic particulars of household members
File: Block_4_Demographic particulars of household members
Discrete Format: character Width: 1 | Valid cases: 37667 Invalid: 0 |
Whether worked in MGNREG works during last 365 days: In this column, for each household member of age 18 years and above who have their names registered in a job card (i.e., with entry 1 in column 14), situation will be determined with a reference period of last 365 days in respect of whether got work in MGNREG work for at least one day or sought but did not get work and did not seek work, and accordingly the entry will be made in terms of the following codes.
sought but did not get work….…..2
did not seek work…………….…..3
sought but did not get work….…..2
did not seek work…………….…..3
Questions and instructions
Pre question
For persons of age 15 to 59 years, for codes 1 & 2 in col. 12 ( i.e whether receiving/received any vocational training (code) )
Literal question
source from
where degree/ diploma/ certificate received/ to be received (code)
where degree/ diploma/ certificate received/ to be received (code)
Value | Category | Cases | |
1 | Worked | 20690 | ![]() |
2 | sought but not get work | 5786 | ![]() |
3 | did not seek work | 11191 | ![]() |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.
Interviewer instructions
This column will be used to record the source, i.e., agency/authority from where degree/diploma/certificate is received/to be received by the members of the household who have received or are receiving formal vocational training, i.e, those with code 1 or 2 in column (12) of block-4 schedule-10.
The relevant source codes that are to be used for recording the information are given below :
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs)/Industrial Training centers (ITCs) -01, School offering vocational courses (Secondary, Higher Secondary level ) -02, UGC (first degree level) -03, Polytechnics -04, Community Polytechniques/ Jansiksha Sanstha -05, National Open School -06, Hotel Management Institutes -07, Food craft & Catering Institutes -08, Small Industries Service Institutes/District Industries Centres/Tool Room Centres -09, Fashion Technology Institutes -10, Tailoring, Embroidery and Stitch Craft Institutes -11, Nursing Institutes -12, Rehabilation/ Physiotheraphy /Ophthalmic and Dental Institutes -13, Institutes giving Diploma in Pharmacy -14, Hospital and Medical Training Institutes -15, Nursery Teachers' Training Institutes -16, Institutes offering training for Agricultural Extension -17, Training provided by Carpet Weaving Centers -18, Handloom/ Handicraft Design Training Centers/ KVIC -19, Recognised Motor Driving Schools -20, Institute for Secretariat Practices -21, Recognised Beautician Schools -22, Institutes run by Companies/ Corporations -23, Institutes for Journalism and Mass Communication -24, other institutes -99.
The relevant source codes that are to be used for recording the information are given below :
Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs)/Industrial Training centers (ITCs) -01, School offering vocational courses (Secondary, Higher Secondary level ) -02, UGC (first degree level) -03, Polytechnics -04, Community Polytechniques/ Jansiksha Sanstha -05, National Open School -06, Hotel Management Institutes -07, Food craft & Catering Institutes -08, Small Industries Service Institutes/District Industries Centres/Tool Room Centres -09, Fashion Technology Institutes -10, Tailoring, Embroidery and Stitch Craft Institutes -11, Nursing Institutes -12, Rehabilation/ Physiotheraphy /Ophthalmic and Dental Institutes -13, Institutes giving Diploma in Pharmacy -14, Hospital and Medical Training Institutes -15, Nursery Teachers' Training Institutes -16, Institutes offering training for Agricultural Extension -17, Training provided by Carpet Weaving Centers -18, Handloom/ Handicraft Design Training Centers/ KVIC -19, Recognised Motor Driving Schools -20, Institute for Secretariat Practices -21, Recognised Beautician Schools -22, Institutes run by Companies/ Corporations -23, Institutes for Journalism and Mass Communication -24, other institutes -99.