India - Annual Survey of Industries: 2009-10
Reference ID | IND-CSO-ASI-2009-10 |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | Central Statistics Office (Industrial Statistics Wing) |
Sponsor(s) | MOSPI, Government of India - GOI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 05, 2016
Last modified
Sep 01, 2016
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Data Description
Content | Block - J Products and By-products : Products and By-Products (Manufactured by the unit) detail : It includes information on all goods that have been produced by the factory during the accounting year for sale, i.e., either actually sold during the accounting year or entered into stocks. Calculation of gross value added of the enterprise will be done here. Variables in this block are: YR, DSL Serial numbe represents products/by-products for first ten major items as per value - no brand name, Item code (ASICC code), Unit of quantity Quantity manufactured Quantity sold Gross sale value (Rs.) Exice duty, Sales tax, Others , Total Per unit net sale value (Rs.) Ex-factory (Rs.). Variable names are as per Record Layout where Letter represents Block followed by Itm<No> like J_Itm1, J_Itm2 etc . In the record layout these are defined as J_i1, J_i2...and so on. |
Cases | 109363 |
Variable(s) | 15 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: DSL (Despatch Serial No), J_Itm1 (Sl.No.) |
Producer | CSO ( IS Wing) Kolkata |
Name | Label | Question | |
YR | Year | ASI 2008-09 is the accounting year of the factory ending on 31st March 2009 | |
BLK | Block code 'J' | Block 'J' of the Schedule (Questionnaire) | |
DSL | Despatch Serial No | Despatch Serial No. | |
J_Itm1 | Sl.No. | Item No. - Sr. No. | |
J_Itm3 | Item code (ASICC) | Item code (ASICC) | |
J_Itm4 | Unit of Quantity | Unit of Quantity | |
J_Itm5 | Quantity manufactured | Quantity manufactured | |
J_Itm6 | Quantity sold | Quantity sold | |
J_Itm7 | Gross sale value (Rs.) | Gross sale value (Rs.) (including subsidy received) | |
J_Itm8 | excise duty | distributive expenses (rs.)-excise duty | |
J_Itm9 | Sales Tax | distributive expenses (rs.)-sales tax/vat | |
J_Itm10 | Others | distributive expenses (rs.)-others | |
J_Itm11 | Total | distributive expenses (rs.)-excise dutytotal | |
J_Itm12 | Per unit net sale value (Rs.) | Per unit net sale value (Rs.) [col 7-col 11] | |
J_Itm13 | ex-factory value (Rs.) | ex-factory value of quantity manufactured including subsidy received (Rs.) | |
Total variable(s):
15 |