India - Survey on Level of Living of Tribals: NSS 44th Round, Schedule 29.1, July 1988 - June 1989
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-44Rnd-Sch29dot1-1988-89 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Mar 10, 2016
Last modified
Mar 31, 2016
Page views
- Block-1-Identificati
on-household-Records - Block-5-characterist
ics-sample household
-Records - Block-6-demographic-
s-Records - Block-7-Member-Educa
tion particulars-Rec
ords - Block-8-member-activ
ity-status-Records - Block-9-consumer goo
ds-purchase-Records - Block-10-members-hea
lth care-morbidity-R
ecords - Block-11-Household-c
eremonies-Records - Block-12-household-c
onsumer expenditure-
Records - Block-13-household-M
isc-consumer goods e
xpenditure-Records - Block-14-dwelling un
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block-1-Identification-household-Records | Detailed information on the identification of the sample household are the content of this dataset | 16436 | 21 |
Block-5-characteristics-sample household-Records | Information on some broad characteristics of the sample household are availablke in this dataset. | 16436 | 42 |
Block-6-demographic-migration-particulars-Records | This dataset contains Demographic personal characteristics and migration particulars of all the normal members of the household, | 79527 | 35 |
Block-7-Member-Education particulars-Records | This datset contains Education in respect of members currently enrolled in primary and higher levels and on educational wastage in respect of members currently not enrolled in any educational institution. | 79087 | 39 |
Block-8-member-activity-status-Records | This dataset contains the usual as well as current activity status particulars of all the normal members of the household. | 78949 | 31 |
Block-9-consumer goods-purchase-Records | Information on the quantity and value of some selected consumer goods purchased by the households from public distribution source as well as from other sources are the content of this dataset | 255909 | 25 |
Block-10-members-health care-morbidity-Records | Health care and morbidity particulars of each of the normal members of sample household are the content of this dataset | 78541 | 35 |
Block-11-Household-ceremonies-Records | Particulars of all the ceremonies observed by the tribal households during 365 days preceding the date of survey are available in this dataset. | 8855 | 22 |
Block-12-household-consumer expenditure-Records | This dataset contains expenditure incurred by the sample household for the purpose of domestic consumption for the last 30 days preceding the date of survey | 277660 | 26 |
Block-13-household-Misc-consumer goods expenditure-Records | This dataset contains particulars of Expenditure on miscellaneous goods & services, rents & taxes and durable goods for domestic use during last 30 days | 38344 | 19 |
Block-14-dwelling unit-particulars-Records | Data on condition of the dwelling house (unit) contained in this dataset | 16397 | 31 |