India - Informal Non-Agricultural Enterprises Survey: NSS 55th Round : July 1999 - June 2000
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-55Rnd-Sch2-1999-2000 |
Year | 1999 - 2000 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 28, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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- Block1-2-Operational
erprises-records - Block3-3dot1-Princip
al- and-other-operat
ing- expenses-record
s - Block4-4dot1-Princip
cords - Block5-gross-value-a
dded _records - Block6-employment-pa
rticulars-records - Block7-Compensation-
to-workers-records - Block8-Fixed-assets-
owned--hired-records - Block9-Loan-outstand
ing-records - Block10-Factor-incom
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block1-2-Operational-Characteristics-enterprises-records | Identification of Sample Enterprise/ Establishment as well as some basic information about the nature and working of the enterprises. | 197646 | 51 |
Block3-3dot1-Principal- and-other-operating- expenses-records | This dataset contains Operating expenses of the enterprises. Although,at the time of collection of data, the reference period for the blocks is last working month , the figures in this dataset are given on an yearly basis.(See 'Notes' section) All expenditure in these blocks are recorded on payable basis. | 197646 | 36 |
Block4-4dot1-Principal-other-receipts-records | The content of this dataset are principal and other receipts in seven sub-blocks corresponding to which the principal expenses have already been collected in block 3 data set.The approach of data collection is the amount receivable during the reference month,but the figures in this dataset are given on yearly basis.(see 'Note') | 197646 | 41 |
Block5-gross-value-added _records | This dataset contains two items (total operating expenses,total receipts)which are transfer entries from blocks 3, 3.1, 4 and 4.1. The value added figure is derived from these two items | 197646 | 28 |
Block6-employment-particulars-records | Content of this dataset are employment particulars of the enterprise during the reference month. | 197646 | 45 |
Block7-Compensation-to-workers-records | Content of this dataset are from enterprises which are run with the help of hired workers and made regular payments to the individual workers as salary / wages, bonus etc. in cash or kind or both. All types of payments, whether individual payments or payments made to a group(like canteen facility, health care facility, recreation club facility, etc.) are included his dataset. | 197646 | 28 |
Block8-Fixed-assets-owned--hired-records | This dataset contain value of fixed assets owned and hired by the sample enterprise. While the value of assets are as on the date of survey, net addition to the fixed assets the last 365 days. The value of rent payable on hired assets, although, collected for the reference month,but worked out on yearly basis and given. | 197646 | 45 |
Block9-Loan-outstanding-records | Information on amount of loan taken including interest which is outstanding on the date of survey by different sources of loan.Yearly values have been derived and given(see 'Note' section.) | 197646 | 47 |
Block10-Factor-income-records | This dataset contain factor incomes (Emoluments,Rent payable,Interest Paybale and net surplus) of the sample enterprise. Figures have been given on yearly basis. | 197646 | 30 |