India - Household Consumer Expenditure: NSS 50th Round, Schedule 1, July 1993 - June 1994
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-50Rnd-Sch1.0-1993-94 |
Year | 1993 - 1994 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 22, 2015
Last modified
Aug 22, 2015
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- Blocks 1,2,3,10,11,1
2,13_Household chara
cteristics - Block 3pt3 - Househo
ld gift records - Block 4 - Person rec
ords - Block 5 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on food and non food
items - Block 6 - Household
expenditure on cloth
ing - Block 7 - Household
expenditure on footw
ear - Block 8 - Monthly ho
usehold expenditure
on misc goods and se
rvices - Block 8pt1 - Househo
ld expenditure on ed
ucation and medical
goods and services - Block 9 - Household
expenditure on durab
le goods - Block 13 - Household
expenditure on cere
mony - Block 14 - Summary o
f household expendit
Variable Groups
Consumer Unit (0.00)
File: Blocks 1,2,3,10,11,12,13_Household characteristics
File: Blocks 1,2,3,10,11,12,13_Household characteristics
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 2 Range: 0.43-52.68 | Valid cases: 115354 Invalid: 0 Minimum: 0.4 Maximum: 52.7 Mean: 4 Standard deviation: 2.1 |
This variable has been generated for specific tabulation by NSSO. It is not in accordance with the questionnaire. Therefore, the users may ignore this.
Imputation and Derivation
Consumer unit:
A person's calorie requirement varies with age and sex. Therefore the total calorie requirement of a group of persons depends not just on the number of persons in the group but also on their age and sex. To facilitate comparisons between calorie requirements of persons of different ages and sexes, a conversion table is used. The table assigns a number of consumer units (usually less than 1) to a person depending on age and sex. (Implicitly, there is a "reference man" corresponding to exactly 1 consumer unit.)
For details see Report No. 402, para 3.9, attached in external resources.
A person's calorie requirement varies with age and sex. Therefore the total calorie requirement of a group of persons depends not just on the number of persons in the group but also on their age and sex. To facilitate comparisons between calorie requirements of persons of different ages and sexes, a conversion table is used. The table assigns a number of consumer units (usually less than 1) to a person depending on age and sex. (Implicitly, there is a "reference man" corresponding to exactly 1 consumer unit.)
For details see Report No. 402, para 3.9, attached in external resources.