India - Common Property Resources, Sanitation Hygiene Services: NSS 54th Round, Schedule 31, January 1998 - June 1998
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-54Rnd-Sch31-Jan1998-June1998 |
Year | 1998 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Mar 11, 2016
Last modified
Mar 31, 2016
Page views
- Blocks 1,3_Identific
ation of sample hous
ehold & househol
d characteristics - Block 4_Particulars
of commuting done by
household members - Block 5_Drinking wat
er - Block 5_Sanitation a
nd hygiene - Block 6_Access to an
d use of communicati
on and other facilit
ies - Block 7_Details of o
vernight stay journe
ys undertaken by hou
sehold members durin
g last 60 days - Block 8_Use of land
resources in last 36
5 days - Block 9_Use of water
resources in last 3
65 days - Block 10_Average col
lection, consumption
and sale of fuelwoo
d and fodder - Block 11_Collection
of selected items fr
om common land and f
orest land during la
st 365 days - Blocks 12, 13_Genera
l information on use
s of common land res
ources and on cultiv
ation by the househo
ld - Block 14_Some partic
ulars of cultivation
during 1997-98 (fiv
e major crops)
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Blocks 12, 13_General information on uses of common land resources and on cultivation by the household
Content | This data set contains information on uses of common land resources and on cultivation by the household. |
Cases | 78717 |
Variable(s) | 44 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: HHID (Primary key - unique identifier for a household) |
Name | Label | Question | |
HHID | Primary key - unique identifier for a household | ||
Record_No | Record Number | ||
Round_Schedule | Round Schedule | ||
State_Region | State-Region | ||
State | State | ||
Sub_sample | Sub sample | ||
Sub_round | Sub round | ||
Flot_Number | Flot Number | ||
sector | sector | ||
district_code | district code | ||
stratum | stratum | ||
sub_stratum | sub-stratum | ||
FSU_srl_no | FSU srl. no. | ||
Vill_Blk_No | Village / Block No. | ||
Second_stratum | Second Stage Stratum | ||
Hhold_no | Sample Household Number | ||
Level | Level | ||
B12_q1 | purpose fuelwood used for | Purpose fuelwood used for | |
B12_q2 | possessed any livestock in last 365 days | Did the household possess any livestock in last 365 days? | |
B12_q3a | any member has membership in joint forest management/van panchayat | Whether the household or any of its members has membership in a local body involved in Joint Forest Management/ Van panchayat? | |
B12_q3b | any member has membership in managing irrigation tanks/ponds | Whether the household or any of its members has membership in a local body involved in managing irrigation tanks / ponds? | |
B12_q4 | household has tree patta on any CPR land | Whether the household has tree patta on ay CPR land? | |
B12_q5 | villagers have timber rights for self use | Do the villages have timber right for self use? | |
B12_q6 | how often household gets the right | If '1' in Item 5, how often a household gets the right? | |
B12_q7 | SC households allowed to use CPRs | Are SC households normally allowed to use CPRs in the village? | |
B12_q8 | has any member prevented from using CPRs | Has any member of the household been prevented from using any of the CPRs during the last two years? | |
B13_q1_1 | land owned with right of sale (0.00 ha) | How much land is owned by the household with the right to sale? | |
B13_q1_2 | land owned without right of sale (0.00 ha) | How much land is owned by the household without the right to sale? | |
B13_q1_3 | total land owned (0.00 ha) | How much total land is owned by the household? | |
B13_q2 | land possessed (0.00 ha) | How much total land is possessed by the household? | |
B13_q3 | net area sown during 1997-98 (0.00 ha) | How much net area is sown by the household during 1997-98? | |
B13_q4 | area sown more than once (0.00 ha) | How much area is sown by the household more than once? | |
B13_q5 | whether soil ever tested | Whether soil of cultivation field ever tested? | |
B13_q6 | whether recommendations followed | If 'yes' (code - 1) in Item 5, whether recommendations followed? | |
B13_q7 | household own tubewell | Does the household own well or tubewell? | |
B13_q8 | remains unused for some months due to lack of ground water | Whether dug well/ tubewell remains unused for some months due to lack of groundwater? | |
B13_q9 | remains unused for some time due to lack of ground water | Whether dug well/ tubewell remains unused for sometime due to lack of groundwater | |
B13_q10 | surface water irrigation sources | Are there any surface water irrigation sources which can be used only in some seasons due to lack of water supply? | |
B13_q11 | household own diesel pump | Does the household own any diesel pump for irrigation? | |
B13_q12 | remains unused for some time due to unavailability of oil | If 'yes', does the electric pump remain unused sometime due to unavailability of oil? | |
B13_q13 | household own electric pump | Does the household own any electric pump for irrigation? | |
B13_q14 | remains unused for some time due to irregular supply of electricity | If 'yes' does the electric pump remain unused sometime due to irregular supply of electricity? | |
Wgt_SubSample | Multiplier (Sub sample 1/2) | ||
Wgt_Combined | Multiplier (Combined) | ||
Total variable(s):
44 |