India - Informal Non-Agricultural Enterprises Survey: NSS 55th Round : July 1999 - June 2000
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-55Rnd-Sch2-1999-2000 |
Year | 1999 - 2000 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Jul 28, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
Page views
- Block1-2-Operational
erprises-records - Block3-3dot1-Princip
al- and-other-operat
ing- expenses-record
s - Block4-4dot1-Princip
cords - Block5-gross-value-a
dded _records - Block6-employment-pa
rticulars-records - Block7-Compensation-
to-workers-records - Block8-Fixed-assets-
owned--hired-records - Block9-Loan-outstand
ing-records - Block10-Factor-incom
File: Block4-4dot1-Principal-other-receipts-records
File: Block4-4dot1-Principal-other-receipts-records
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 5 Decimals: 0 Range: -62-48200 | Valid cases: 50889 Invalid: 146757 Minimum: -62 Maximum: 48200 Mean: 28.1 Standard deviation: 425.9 |
Questions and instructions
Overall Trade margin (in percentage-whole number)
This item will record the overall trade margin of the unit as a direct query from the traders. Trade margin is the percentage gain in sale price over the corresponding purchase price and it may not necessarily pertain to the reference month only. Trade margin will refer to the margin the trader normally keeps in the transaction of the trading goods. Note that this item does not form a part of the value added of the sample unit but is collected to have an assessment of the consistency of the collected data.