India - Informal Non-Agricultural Enterprises Survey: NSS 55th Round : July 1999 - June 2000
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-55Rnd-Sch2-1999-2000 |
Year | 1999 - 2000 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Jul 28, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
Page views
- Block1-2-Operational
erprises-records - Block3-3dot1-Princip
al- and-other-operat
ing- expenses-record
s - Block4-4dot1-Princip
cords - Block5-gross-value-a
dded _records - Block6-employment-pa
rticulars-records - Block7-Compensation-
to-workers-records - Block8-Fixed-assets-
owned--hired-records - Block9-Loan-outstand
ing-records - Block10-Factor-incom
File: Block8-Fixed-assets-owned--hired-records
File: Block8-Fixed-assets-owned--hired-records
Continuous Format: numeric Width: 8 Decimals: 0 Range: 0-12000000 | Valid cases: 47312 Invalid: 150334 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 12000000 Mean: 24160.5 Standard deviation: 134201.7 |
Questions and instructions
Plant and machinery owned
Plant is generally the name given to an assembly of machinery/ equipment / devices installed for the operation of entrepreneurial activities. Machinery means an implement or mechanical device used in the entrepreneurial activities. These are assets of durable nature and can be easily identified. The full value of the machinery should be reported, if the machinery was purchased during the year on hire-purchase basis. Advance payments made for the purchase of a machinery (not in possession on the date of survey) will not be recorded.